山登り vs. 登山 What's the deal here?

Ok so this really bugged me when learning these two vocab at level 14. The meaning for both is listed as mountain climbing and I can recognise that the first one is the nominalisation of 登る so I was hoping someone could explain to me the difference whether it is to do with usage or nuance or whatever.

From What is the difference between "登山" and "山登り" ? "登山" vs "山登り" ? | HiNative
and 登山(とざん)の類語・言い換え - 類語辞書 - goo辞書

No real diffderence, just nuance.

登山 for more official, serious climbing
Also used in climbing related words (登山靴 - climbing shoes and 登山者 - mountain climber)
i.e. 冬山に登山する

山登り more casual, recreational
i.e. 家族で山登りを楽しむ


we also got 腹切 vs 切腹.
harakiri vs seppuku.

I don’t know the difference. I guess one is more ritual than the other.

Seppuku is the more formal and correct word to use. Harakiri is (from what I’ve heard) a more morbid word, more derogatory I suppose.


I think the difference here is that はらきり is kunyomi and せっぷく is onyomi. Words with the onyomi are always going to sound a bit more proper. Similar to the way in English that we use words of Latin origin to sound fancy.


Correct! There is one more thing that 切腹 has, and thats a 介錯人. Basically a person that beheads you after you make the initial horizontal cut through your stomach. This just saves you some pain.


Sadly there’s a ton of these on WK… I really wish WK would step up their game and explain the nuances way more often than they currently do. Sure, knowing the overall meaning of words is the most important part but it sucks missing out on the nuance.

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That makes a lot of sense - thanks!

That would require a huge amount of work for the amount of content WK has, to become a vocabulary resource and not just a kanji reading resource.

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That’s definitely true. I’ve always seen WK as a resource to learn the kanji meanings and readings alone while leaving the matter of learning usage and nuance for you to do in your spare time. For many people the matter of learning those more advanced topics isn’t much of a worry and thus to include it in WK would perhaps be an information overload and therefore be a deterrent to leaning what it actually set out to teach in the first place.

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