夏目友人帳 - Natsume’s Book of Friends: Chapter 1 Discussion

おのれ [you] 小僧つ [little brat]
大人おとなしく [quietly/obediently/meekly]
わた - my guess is this is a regional sentence ending, or a variation of “mata”? Google translate didn’t have any trouble with it and rendered otonashiku in the past tense… (was obedient)
EDIT: It’s probably short for 渡す, with stem only, which means “to pass / hand over / carry over.”

My best guess is “You little brat, acting all agreeable” or “acting so adult” or “passing yourself off as so adult.”

Thanks! Yeah that makes sense, though I wonder about 面倒はご免 and how it translates to not wanting trouble… Beginning to really come up against the impossibilities of really “translating” sentences… I’m not far enough along to be able to just understand the Japanese yet.

Page 33, wow! I’ve been unable to read this for a few days, and since I can rarely do more than 2 pages a day… Oh well!

Thank you! That makes sense but I also wonder if the sentence is cut short and he’s actually on his way to use the imperative of 渡す? And that it would be more along the lines of “You little brat, hand (the book) over obediently/without resisting”… What do you guys think?


No no, no breezing here :joy: just been very busy so not able to participate as much as usual D:

Ask all the questions! Then I’ll be able to go faster when I catch up cos my questions will have been answered already :stuck_out_tongue:

I got to about page 35 (similar to Voi) just looking up words and not worrying too much about grammar I didn’t understand. Hoping to finish off the last… 15 (?) before the weekend, but less sure I’ll have time to pinpoint my questions.

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You guys gonna be okay doing 50 pages in a week next chapter??

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Well I’m not :stuck_out_tongue: but I was always going to fall behind in the middle due to being on holiday.

Don’t know how other people are going to find it, although I imagine I’d be struggling a bit regardless :sweat_smile:

Translation: NO


You’re less behind than me, I’m only on pg 8 :sweat_smile:
I’ve been busy at work, so I’m behind on all the book clubs. :weary: (I can’t wait until October’s over.)
I don’t know if I’ll be able to catch up before we get into the next chapter. I think in a non-busy time, 50 pages in a week would be a stretch, but right now? :crazy_face:

I read it this way too.

That’s how I parsed it.
Although I’ve never known a cat who would eat すいか!

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Well, 時をかける少女 is scheduled right now to give a one week break after 夏目友人帳. So technically you guys could also read chapter 2 for two weeks if you wanted, in place of the break.

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I would support this :eyes: I’ll just be using the break to catch up on Natsume anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ should we… do a poll?!

I could set one up in the home thread. It’s been so long…


I would also support this :eyes: I think a poll sounds like a good idea :slightly_smiling_face:

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It shall be done!

People, go vote!


Yes, I totally agree with 2 weeks for next chapter.

「ご免」の英語・英語例文・英語表現 - Weblio和英辞書 Should answer your question I think

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Psst, visit the linked post and vote :wink:

I’ve been crazy busy lately as well so that would be a lifesaver :disappointed_relieved:

I got annoyed with reading the ebook so I was going at a pretty slow pace, but I just got a physical copy and it’s sooooo much easier to read.
Two weeks would still be great for chapter 2, though.
already voted on poll


Brilliant, thanks! Still not super on top of looking for grammar online, for some reason I never get relevant results lol…

@seanblue Definitely not (already voted on the poll), though even two weeks might be a stretch for me cause this is basically my first time reading a book and my study of Japanese has been limited to wanikani… So don’t mind me, l’ll just get up to where I can and catch up when i can… Life is also about to pick up so most likely Japanese will take a slow back seat.

@Radish8 Page 35! That’s what I call breezing along lol! Glad my questions will be useful to you, your vocab was certainly useful to me lol :blush:

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I went and voted! There’s no way I’m finishing chapter 1 this week so I’d like the extra time to catch up. Luckily I have no classes on Thursday so I’m gonna do my best to try and bust through the remaining 35 pages that I have of chapter 1… I may have a suuuuuper long post coming up tomorrow with all my questions.


Ok I’m down to page 32 with a VERY basic understanding of what’s being said (kind of)… No time to even type questions… Hopefully I’ll be more available for chapter 2 and start reading in detail again… :slight_smile: