キノの旅 Week 10 Discussion

Yeah, I’m thinking the same. To brush up my knowledge, I just read the (German) Wikipedia article on lobotomy and that is really sickening - especially the description of the operation itself…


Good point. It’s probably something like that especially given some of the other content so far. I was hoping to find out a bit more about the effects of whatever it was and how it changed the people who received it since it’s (mostly) made up anyway. But somehow I have a feeling the author would have focused on the details of the procedure itself if anything rather than the effects.

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Look mom I'm catching up

This part was nice. No guns, change of perspective… I was actually able to read several lines at a time without looking anything up a few times. The part where the parents get angry was a bit more difficult though. Still, I think I’ve reached a point where reading is much easier (and faster) than when we started.
Too bad when we start the next book it will probably feel like going back to square one (or -3 in the case of Haruhi probably).