よつばと! Vol 5 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

Why don’t you just… edit your post?

Unless someone were to… flag them. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s crazy talk.


I’m always tempted.

All this is totally off topic, but I don’t know. I just like to do it my way. Why not?
And while we are off-topic, are there 2 seanblues? Or did you change your pic?

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Page 123

That is great! Found it! Thank you so much! And tomorrow I’ll study that link you posted! Thank you again Kazzeon!

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I changed my picture.

Page 124


ながぐつは - 長靴 - wellington boots (or one of the many names they have in English)
どこでも - anywhere
あるける - the “potential” form of 歩く, to walk, ie, “can walk”
から - ???
すごい - wonderful, etc

So I guess Yotsuba is saying “It’s fantastic, wellington boots can walk anywhere!” (ie, you can walk anywhere with wellington boots), but can someone tell me what the から is doing in the sentence?

Thank you so much!


Edit: No worries, I’ve just seen that から can also mean “through”!

“It’s fantastic, wellington boots can walk through anywhere (ie anything)!”

(And rather than re-posting this, I’ll keep everyone happy by editing instead!)

You don’t think it’s “because” here? “Wellington boots are awesome, because you can go anywhere with them”?


Oh, my goodness. Suddenly I feel so stupid!

I saw から, thought it can’t be “from”, wondered what it could be, asked here, kept searching, found “through”, thought I’d fixed it - - and all the time I’d forgotten that から also means because.

(I really am the slowest learner on the planet).

Thank you @Belthazar!


I started volume 5 and already bought 6


I’ve lived my whole life with such a delusion. It’ll happen again in another month (but that may be all in my head).

One-year-later comments aside, I’ve been reading through these volumes of Yotsuba&! casually (not looking up much). If I don’t know something, and can’t figure it out from context, I decide whether I really want to look it up, or (as is usually the case) just skip and keep going. It’s when I see something I feel I should know, but it doesn’t match my expectation, that really causes me to look things up.

On page 54, Ena opens the refrigerator, sees the box of grapes, and asks if she can have some. Her mother says to call the other two so they can all have some. Ena calls up the stairs to her sisters, saying, 「ブドウいるーー!?」 Both sisters reply with, 「いるー」

I completely forgot about the need/want meaning for いる, so I read this as, “There are grapes!?” “There are.” After looking up alternate meanings of いる and being reminded of the need/want meaning, it suddenly makes a whole lot more sense. (As much sense as autumn following summer.)


Page 112

Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I fancied reading a chapter of Yotsuba tonight! It’s been ages since I last looked at Yotsuba, and I like to think it feels a bit easier now! Though this is an easy chapter - except for the names of the constellations!

Anyway… on page 111 Jumbo tries to wind-up Miura, and it doesn’t work at all. When he says he went to Hawaii and so she is no longer so special, she replied with just “so how was it?”

Jumbo can’t believe this mature response and replies:

あれ?! なんだその素な反応は?!
"Eh?! What is that 素な response?!

What is this 素な? It is a weird one because I can’t even bring up the kanji on the little autotype menu, I have to go for 素直 and drop the 直. But then again 素直 fits perfectly: obedient; meek; docile; unaffected. But that is すなお, rather than すな. I’m not explaining this very well, but if anyone gets what I’m wittering on about and can solve the mystery, that would be great! Thank you!

And then…

I’d have completely missed that if you hadn’t pointed it out! Thank you!


Maybe this?

“What’s with that plain answer?”


Honestly surprised you couldn’t type that on your IME - for me, it’s the very first option. At least, it is when I just type す - it gets confused when I write すな.

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I blame the parsing in takoboto. :stuck_out_tongue:

Waaaaaaaaaa, I didn’t know we had one of these threads for Yotsuba! Now I’m sad I left my volumes at home when I moved up to uni.


Thank you!

Brilliant! “Plain” it is! That fits perfectly! (Does that mean 素 is a な-adjective?)

We have 11 of them! :wink: :smile:


Did we ever figure out where よつば is from?
Page 112, she asks dad if he’s ever been to Hawaii. Almost seemed like he didn’t want to talk about it. We already know she ‘came from far away’. Could Hawaii be this ‘far away place’? He’s trying to be dodgy because he doesn’t want to have this talk with her yet?

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The left. Naturally.

But no, we’ve not had the full backstory. Yet?


Hawaii it is then :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like we’ll never know. 14 volumes and still no real back story? Either never coming, or a quick throw away when author calls it quits.