よつばと! Vol 2 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

It’s a vegetable of sorts popular in Okinawa. ゴーヤチャンプルー is one of Okinawa’s most famous and popular dishes. It’s a stir fry dish with other vegetables and Spam.

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Yeah, so it seems, I also added a picture on my previous post.
@marcusp See my edit :wink:

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I can be so blind at times! Thank you so much @Kazzeon!

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Page 181

Okay, so then they go through various Okinawa names. But is this really Fuuka suggesting she give it the name of 「なにもない」? And does she really say that’s the kind of thing Asagi would do? No wonder her sister gives her a slap!

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She’s talking about what Asagi said.

Ena asks Asagi: What is there in Okinawa?
Asagi responds: Nothing.
Ena: Nothing!?
Fuuka says: Ena! Ena! There is “nothing”. (Like it being special because it has nothing, so it’s peaceful or something.)
Ena: Oh!
Fuuka: Right? Didn’t I say something good? I thought it would be something that Asagi would say.
Asagi: slaps Fuuka
Fuuka: Eh? Why?
Asagi: Somehow, you pissed me off.

Is what I understood. (Also from memory) :joy:


@Kazzeon, you are a star!

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Yah, her comment in the next panel is a direct reference. おまえもかー = Et tu, (Brute)? in Japanese


OMG I missed that xD

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Finally back at home, so I can check this reference directly. As I’d suspected, it’s 超生きてる, not just 超生. And it’s not that he’s “super-alive”, but more that it’s being used as an intensifier - “He is asbolutely still alive”. Or like you said, “very much alive”.

Ena’s response is something like “Asagi-oneechan is quick to kill him off” (i.e. in the same way that an author might kill off a character in a story).


I saw a Japanese detective drama where the word いない was used as a huge plot point!
A child was asked if a person was there, and he said いない, as in, no he isn’t, or so they all assumed. Turned out later the child had actually found their corps… XD
And apparently, according to this episode, children’s shows use this specifically when someone are killed, to say “they are no more” rather than use any words for death. The example they used was some anime where they defeat somewhat cute monsters, like in Digimon. You don’t kill, they just are not anymore :wink:


Page 187

I’m just finishing these last few pages this morning and everything is going well.
But I do wonder what is happening in the last panel on page 187.
I think the mum was reminiscing about visiting her grandmother in Okinawa when she was young (and Fuuka is so bored by this that she is messing around with the cushions!) but then who is speaking in the last panel? It looks like Ena is talking and I’m lost. Something about visiting grandmother on the island before Yotsuba was here (yet Yotsuba only moved next door a few days ago). Any pointers anyone?

Page 188

The first panel on page 188 hasn’t helped clear up my confusion either.


でも - but
あの子 - that child (Yotsuba I presume)
元気だから - is so genki that…
島の子 - island’s child???
って - quotation???
感じ - feeling
ねー - isn’t it?

Perhaps my brain just isn’t working today!

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Without remembering the conversation, I think it should mean something like this:
But that child is so energetic that she feels like an island child, right?

But + that child (Yotsuba) + is energetic, so + an island child + quotation/like + feeling + agreement seek


Now it makes sense! Thank you again @BobaGakusei!

Page 188

I don’t think there has been anything this difficult since the first few pages of volume one!
In the second panel of page 188 Ena says: 左って言ってた
I looked in Jisho to see if 左 might mean anything other than left, but no joy.
Then the mum says, wistfully, 左の島ねー
At first the fact she comes up with ハワイ suggests they are going left (west) on the map, but of course that can’t be right! lol!

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It’s actually part of the joke. (Fuuka will later complain that Hawaii is to the right.)

“Left” is what they were saying.
An island to the left, huh? Hawaii!


Oh, thank you so much! And, yes, I just say Fuuka putting them right! Typical her! :slight_smile:
(But who was saying “left” in the first place? Who was Ena talking about?)

I don’t remember; I’d need the context. I just used “they” as a stand-in since Ena’s sentence doesn’t specify the speaker.

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Thank you again! I guess that’s just how conversations work at home! Meandering!

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I am so happy! I’ve now read not one, but two mangas in my life! Yotsuba one, and Yotsuba two.
It would have been impossible for me to do so without all the help, and inspiration, provided by all you lovely people on this thread. Thank you all so much!

Finally, may I ask, what was your favourite chapter in vol.2?

  • 8 - おえかき
  • 9 - 復讐
  • 10 - ケーキ
  • 11 - どんまい
  • 12 - プール
  • 13 - かえる
  • 14 - おみやげ

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