~ます at the end of different conjugation forms

Hi, I have following sentence.


Is the ます at the ende of はがす just a polite way of the conditional form (はがせ)? Searched the internet but couldn’t find it.
Are there other situations where you can add ~ます at the end of the ~a ~i ~u ~e ~o form of a verb?

Why wouldn’t you be able to add ます? Basically anything can be politified.
はぐ > はぎます
はげる > はげます
はがせる > はがせます

Also, that would be causative.

oohh I thought it is this verb

In that case it would be the potential form. I didn’t really think about which it would be, but that probably makes more sense. The causative of はぐ and potential of はがす are the same.

I’m tired…

In any case, the point that you can make anything polite stands.


Thank you, I guess this also confused me. はぐ and はがす are hard to tell apart because the meaning is so similar and now they also share a conjugation. [quote=“Leebo, post:4, topic:16877, full:true”]The causative of はぐ and potential of はがす are the same.