のんのんびより: Chapter 7 Discussion

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のんのんびより Chapter 7

のんのんびより Volume 1

Start Date: September 22nd
Previous Chapter: Chapter 6
Next Chapter: Chapter 8

Vocabulary List

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Is that the Nadeshiko chapter?

I haven’t read the chapter yet, so :man_shrugging:

But as a side note:

Kanji stuff

Nadeshiko is 撫子, but it’s super weird that that 子 is read しこ here. I thought maybe there was a verb 撫す (instead of 撫でる), which was changed to the verb stem and then the し got squished into the 撫, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I guess it’s just a typical case of kanji (and language) being weird.

Does the chapter start with Komari calling Hotaru from a public phone :sweat_smile: ?

I never really thought of the origin of 撫子 (names are often weird anyway) but speaking of kanjis, 蛍 was taught on level 41, and I kept thinking of her every time :sweat_smile:

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Ah! I hadn’t related it to that ほたる. :open_mouth: Just thought of it as a name.

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Nope, that’s chapter 8.

Ah, I didn’t realize it was a name in this context. But now I think I get the pun of that chapter. But anyway, we can discuss more next week when it’s time for chapter 8. We’ll see then if I’m right. :slight_smile:

蛍 is probably my favorite Japanese name. The sound, the meaning, and the look of the kanji are all beautiful. :slight_smile:


Just by look, yes, but I relate it to 虫, which makes sense, and it’s not so pretty anymore. :joy:
I really like 花子, but it’s a little biased. (Katawa Shoujo, anyone?) 桜 as well is fine.

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Fireflies are pretty okay as far as insects go though. (And I generally don’t like insects haha.)


Oops, nevermind then. I’ll retreat to the shadows for now then. I WILL BE BACK.


I’m really loving the manga they’re reading xD I was kind of hoping it would be based on a real thing, but if it is, I couldn’t find it in my two-second Google search. バナナ課長 vs. トマト専務! Who will prevail???

That picture on the last page is priceless. The crushing of Scarecrow’s hopes and dreams xD

I feel like I’m way ahead of everyone on Non Non this week. Guess this is what happens when I take a Friday off for no real reason. Clearly I should do that more often. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (But really though, it’s insane how much better my life would be if I only had to work 4 days a week…)


I don’t really have much to say about this chapter, except that I read it and…

Crushing the figure Suguru made was kind of mean…


Agreed D:

Right?! I had a cold this week and I managed to catch up on so much reading being off yesterday! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Finished this chapter.

… Not much to comment on, really. I kinda suspect my brain has stopped trying to process the exact grammar that’s going on and is satisfied to just get the gist of things.

I quite like the クリオねこ, though.

Chapters 8 and 9 are here a day early!

Yeah, same here. This chapter… I just didn’t care enough to figure everything out…


I’m just gonna leave this random comment here because it looks like the last chapter set in the classroom and it’s been bugging me for weeks.

Why do only Komari and Natsumi seem to wear a school uniform?? Renge and Hotaru both seem to wear something different every day, but Komari and Natsumi are always in the same clothes, which look like a uniform. WHY??! GAH. Does the middle school have a uniform but not the elementary?!

They’re elementary school kids. Most elementary schools don’t have uniforms (aside from the randsel backpacks and yellow hats, that is).

The three Koshigaya kids are middle schoolers.

Aah, okay. That was the only explanation I could come up with (because I knew they were the only elementary school ones), but I just found it bizarre given that they’re literally in the same classroom. Surely at that point you either have a school uniform or you don’t.

The fact that they’re literally in the same classroom is already bizarre. :stuck_out_tongue: Honestly, the impression I get is that the village used to have sufficient population to sustain two separate schools, but as it dwindled over time, the schools merged into one school, and then into one classroom. Think mostly this impression comes from the shot of the classroom’s sign on page 10, which just says 2年1組 and not, like 中2年 (as with the hand-written add-ons).

As for why they’d keep the same uniform policies even after merging, that’s just how it’s done in Japan, ok? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, I totally agree with your interpretation of the history of the school. It’s this bit that bothers me :grin: