にゃんにゃん - Kitty Detectives - Vol. 1

On p58, in the middle of the second line is ここには. Should we think of には in this context as adding emphasis to ここ? If は wasn’t there, how would it change the meaning of the sentence?

Same with リリーさんには in the last sentence on p62.

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The two examples are quite different, but it’s a contrast marker in both.

As for the first:
Negative statements often contain は as a contrast marker because they are seen to always contrast the reality with what might be (or something like that).
It doesn’t really have any particular meaning in practice but I think it might just sound a bit odd to leave it out in some cases since it’s a common pattern.
E.g. ではない/ではありません both most commonly have a contrast marker in them, even though でない / でありません would also be grammatical.
Whereas である and であります do not contain it.
It’s kind of a bit like English has “do” in every negative statement but generally only in emphatic positive ones (“I smoke” – “I don’t smoke” – “I do smoke”).
Or maybe even like “ne” in French which occurs in all negative sentences (“I don’t” “I never” “I [verb] nothing” “I [verb] nobody” etc.)

As for the second:
It’s a clear contrast marker.
(You know it’s a contrast marker because there is a topic already.)
In English we might use intonation or some phrasing like
“Speaking of the cat, was it particularly fond of Lily?” (as opposed to other people)

EDIT: I’m a bit confused about the に in the second sentence though…


I think the に in the second sentence marks Lily as an indirect object, so we know who なついていた refers to. なつく is a transitive verb.

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I agree it’s likely the object.

But transitive verbs normally take direct objects (marked with を or が), not indirect objects.
(Those that do take indirect object take them in addition to a direct object)

Weblio seems to have example sentence only with …をなつく and …になつている so this does seem to be a pattern.
Really curious what’s going on here.

Can you help with this?

The sentence is,

I’m thinking now it’s just a matter of Jisho being incomplete.
Weblio lists it as intransitive or transitive according to different sources.
I suspect there might be a meaning difference but I’m not sure.
I think I was mistaken about ている being relevant at all, there are examples that don’t use the ている form, but do use に.

tl;dr なつく here is an intransitive verb that takes an indirect object with に

Page 60

I’ve only been away a couple of days, but I feel like what little Japanese I did have in my brain has all drained away! So I pick up the book this morning and the problems start!

「あいかぎを もっているのは おひとりですか?」

This is what I know, and don’t know!!

「 - this is Hanae speaking
あいかぎを - 合鍵を - spare key (+object marker)
もっている - having
の - nominaliser??
は - topic marker
おひとり - one person (with polite お)
ですか?」- question

“Does just [that] one person have a spare key?”

My problem is the の. I know it is a nominaliser. I know it turns “is having” into “the is having thing” but even typing this makes my brain melt. What does it actually mean??? Thanks if anyone can explain!

の can be both concrete (“the thing/person that is X”) and abstract (“X-ing”)
(もの can only be the first and こと only the second)

This construction XのはYです is called a cleft sentence and usually involves the concrete meaning.

“As for the people having keys, are they just one person?”
“Does just one person have a spare key?”

For comparison, cleft sentences in English
“John is the one that ate the cake”
“Mary is the one I love”


Page 60

Another breakdown (sentence, not mental!), and how’s my translation??

「あとは となり町に 下宿している 娘のリリーが もってるわ。」

「 - Ipponmatsu-san speaking
あとは -additionally
となり町に - in the next town
下宿している - this looks like “boarding house doing” but obviously means “lodging”
娘のリリーが - my daughter Lily, (plus the identifier particle)
もってる - “is having” but translates as “has”
わ。」- female ending particle

“Plus, [my] daughter Lily, who is lodging in the next town [also] has [one].”

Thanks for any help improving this one!


Wow, aiju, thank you!

looks fine.

some notes:

Tae Kim calling が the “identifier particle” seems at least as confusing as calling it “subject”… (what does that even mean?)
Here が (as well as marking the subject) also indicates that it’s new information (Lily hasn’t been mentioned before)
Because it appears in answer to a question it might also be construed to have an “exclusive” connotation (“it’s only Lily that has a key”).
(Knowing when が has the exclusive meaning is one of the trickier things about は/が)

もつ in もって(い)る literally means more like “take” I think
もっている = literally something like “has taken and is still holding”
(“have” or “holds” usually is a good translation, though, just wanted to explain the grammar)

Thank you again so much!

I see! I don’r know what to call it! I suppose, really, I ought to just call it が!

Very useful! Thank you so much!

Page 60

Just a little question about だ.

かえってきて ほしいんだけど, うちに よりつかないの

かえってきて - come and return home
ほしい - [I] want
ん - explanation particle
だ - copula. But I wonder why it is here?
けど - but
うちによりつかない - [she] doesn’t come home
の - another explanation particle!

“[I] want her to come home, but [she] doesn’t come home”

If the だ was left out of this sentence, what difference would it make?

Edit: Oh, I see! The explanation particle isn’t just ん or の, it is んだ or のだ, got it! But in that case, why is it just の at the end of the sentence above? (My brain is now officially dead!)

Edit: page 62… ぬすんだのは. So, ん + だ + の + は,… this is all too much for me! I need to go lie down for a while!

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Page 62

猫は リリーさんには なついていたんですか?

は - as for the cat
リリーさん - Lily-san
には - for (in regard to)
なついていた - なつく, 懐く - to become emotionally attached (to), in ている form and past tense
んです - explanatory particle (I’m getting more and more confused about this!)
か?- question

“Was the cat emotional attached to Lily?”

I have got that the right way round haven’t it? It looks like it, and I hope it’s right!


Page 63

そのかわり、ごんじろうが そばにくると にげまわっていたわ。

そのかわり、- その代わり - instead; but (on the other hand)​
ごんじろうが - Gonjirou (the ex-husband) (plus が particle)
そばにくる - come near (when I first saw そばにく I thought it must be soba noodles with meat!)
と - and? also? I don’t know.
にげまわっていた - ていた form of 逃げ回る - to run from place to place, ie. “was running around”
わ。- female sentence ending particle

“On the other hand, [the cat] was also running around near Gonjirou”.

What is that と? (Any help much appreciated!)


Page 63

Phew, finally caught up! But that last sentence on page 63 is really difficult!

つかまっちゃって、いまごろ どんな こわいめに あっていることか。。。

つかまっちゃって、- 捕まる = to be caught, but I have no idea what form this is. っちゃって -? (Though perhaps connected to the “screwed up” meaning???)
いまごろ - 今頃 - about this time
どんな - what kind of
こわいめに - 怖い目 - scary eyes (and direction particle)
あっていること - ある (to be/have) in ている form and nominalised with こと. - is having? Has?
か… -question?

“[Poor Catherine], held against her will, what frightened eyes she [must] have at this time”

Am I on the right lines?

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Yes, you can end a sentence in just の to convey a similar meaning as んだ. Note that I believe using 「の」 in this manner often sounds rather feminine.

と can be used as a conditional form - one of its common use cases is:
X (verb) と Y can mean (whenever X, Y happens)

So in this case,
そばにくると - whenever Gonjirou came by the cat’s side
にげまわっていた - it would run around


That’s basically what I got out of those sentences.

(and yeah the ちゃって part is a casual version of 〜てしまう in て form, as in something regrettably happening etc)


ん and の are actually derived from んです and のです only. They have the exact same meaning, males use のです/んです commonly and females (and children) use の and ん. Also, when けど comes after nouns and na-adjectives, you need a だ before. Since, here there’s an i-adjective, I guess she’s using the full んだ.


Thank you so much for those wonderful explanations @Cychloryn! Really, very much appreciated! Thank you so much!