
I’m here, just lack questions that aren’t answered since I’m now behind. Still fighting with my car and about to go SS3 on the mechanic as the check engine light has come on again (same code) for a third time. I don’t have time for this and that I transport two toddlers in it means I can’t have it failing in freezing temperatures with them in it and adds a major mama bear factor. SS3 Bear. Would say heads are going to roll but really they’re going to be mauled and evaporated in a ki blast. :laughing:

But I’m still here. On page 35 now so almost caught up.


Page 40: Not sure where it ends…

ヨーロッパに ある モナコと、アジアに ある インドネシアの 国旗は、ほとんど おなじに 見えるほど、そっくりです。

Monaco’s flag in Europe and Indonesia’s flag in Asia look mostly completely the same

なぜ、このような ことに なっているのでしょう。

How this happened? Very lose translation

国旗が、長方形の 場合、その 大きさや 形が ほとんどが 同じに 見えますが、これは、国際連合が きめた ことです。

Flags, rectangular cases, that dimensions and shape look mostly the same, the United Nations decided this things Horrible translation, I know… If somebody could tweak it…

「国旗を ならべる ときは、大きさを そろえる」と いう ルールが あるのです。

We need rules to say “When it’s time to line up of flags, get in order the size”

でも、ほんとうは、国旗の 形や 大きさは 国に よって ちがいます。

But, in reality, flag shapes and dimensions are different for that reason what?

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I am sorry for the quality but I hastily took photos of the next pages until the end of this chapter.
I hope it helps :slight_smile:

国旗が、長方形の 場合、その 大きさや 形が ほとんどが 同じに 見えますが、これは、国際連合が きめた ことです。

The United Nations decided that rectangular flags must have the same size and shape.

「国旗を ならべる ときは、大きさを そろえる」と いう ルールが あるのです。

There is the rule that says “When national flags are put side by side, their size must be uniform”

でも、ほんとうは、国旗の 形や 大きさは 国に よって ちがいます

However, in reality size and shape of national flags are different depending on the country.


In your first sentence, why is there a が in …ほとんど同じに… which does not appear in the previous couple of sentences before.

How did you translated this?

Humm… you are right.
In the previous sentences:

国きが ほとんど 同じに 見える
国旗は、ほとんど 同じに 見えるほど
and in the last one:

ほとんどが 同じに 見えます

Maybe in the first two, the flag was the subject, and in the last one it’s not?? Although I see a lot of が in the last sentence:

国旗、長方形の 場合、その 大きさや 形 ほとんど 同じに 見えます、これは、国際連合 きめた ことです。

Maybe someone can help with the grammar here

The sentence went がが crazy.:rofl:

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I don’t know why that sentence has ほとんど either…
The other が’s all look like subject markers to me, except for 見えます, which is a sentence connector.

Doesn’t the が as a connector mean “or”? In the translation from @twktg I don’t see any or

によって = depending on (the country)


I usually think of it as “but”, but while working on this sentence I checked the basic Japanese grammar dictionary, and it says:

Ga, like but in English, combines two sentences which express contrastive ideas. However, ga is much weaker than but in that it is sometimes used simply to combine two sentences for stylistic reasons even if those two sentences do not represent contrastive ideas…


Ok… I can see it. Supper literal

Flags, in the case of rectangular ones, the size and shape appear mostly the same, but this, the United Nations decided.

Where do @twktg see the “must be” ?

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Your literal translation seems accurate to me.
I think @twktg’s translation is one way of rendering it into better style in English.
For an in between sort of translation, I’d propose:

When flags are rectangular, they appear to have nearly the same size and shape. This has been decided by the United Nations.


Sound good to me

Shared vocab list?

Here’s a go at p40, but I’m not really happy with it :sweat_smile:

ヨーロッパに ある モナコと、アジアに ある インドネシアの 国きは、ほとんど おなじに みえるほど、そっくりです。

Monaco in Europe and Indonesia in Asia flags have almost exactly the same appearance.

なぜ、このような ことに なっているのでしょう。

I wonder how this happened.

国きが 長方形の 場合、その おおきさや 形が ほとんどが 同じに 見えますが、これは、*国際連合が きめた ことです。

The United Nations has decided that in case of a rectangle national flag, the size and shape appear almost the same.

「国きを ならべる ときは、おおきさを そろえる」 と いう ルールが あるのです。

There is a rule that says “National flags arranged in a line, put in order of size”

でも、ほんとうは、国きの 形や おおきさは 国に よって ちがいます。

But, in reality, the national flag’s shape and size will vary depending on the country.

* 国際連合… せかいの 平和と あんぜんを まもるために、 たくさんの 国が さんがして つくられた しくみ。

* United Nations… the world’s peace and security is protected on behalf of many countries that make up its structure.

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I feel the same, but also that I’ve made some progress. I guess I’m just accepting that some sentences are invariably put together in a very weird way compared to English. I’m trying to stop translating literally and just trying to …“understand” instead, I guess. Once I do, I translate into English in my own words. But it’s not an easy process! Also, maybe this will not help me when I have to compose sentences. One thing at the time…


Check this Katakana :wink:


Page 39

Sorry for going back a bit, but I think there is a small detail in the following sentence that might have been overlooked (apologies if it’s already in previous comments - I couldn’t find it):

ところが、世界には まったくべつの国なのに、国旗が ほとんど 同じに 見える ところが あります。

First ところが = However.

Second ところが(あります) = there are places.

Great, but what places? 国旗がほとんど同じに見えるところ = places where you can see almost identical national flags.. So this is defining what kind of ところ this is.

So altogether: There are places(ところがあります) in the world (世界には)where, although the countries are completely different(まったく別の国なのに), you can see almost identical national flags(国旗がほとんど同じに見える).

Does this make sense?