
Thank you!!


No, but the thread will always be here and pretty much everything is covered. The best way to search is by page number, click the search button at the top right, put in “page xx” and click the box that says search this topic (searching by words, especially Japanese words, is less likely to get good results).

But of course you can join in right away where we are. There is nothing to stop you joining today on page 68. We’ve just started a new chapter and each are independent of the others. I hope you will!

Thank you very much. I tried 3 different ways last night on p.68, but the vertical list is my favourite, the one that works best for me. Thanks again Micki!

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Oh I didn’t realise they were independent of each other! Looks like I need to sort out my schedule and get back into this!




P69… I am really struggling with the final sentence though, I can’t make it make sense :stuck_out_tongue:

おんせんの ゆけむりは 日本の イメージですが、外国にも たくさん あります。

The steam of a hotspring is an image of Japan, in foreign countries also many exist.

中でも せかいで いちばん 大きな おんせんは、ヨーロッパの 北の アイスランドに ある、ブルーラグーンと いう 場所です。

In particular, the world’s most largest hotspring is in Iceland in northern Europe, it is a place called Blue Lagoon

なんと 七百人が いっしょに 入れる 広さです。

It is (large enough) to the extent that 700 people altogether can enter.

Final sentence: おゆの 色は、その 名の とおり、ソーダアイスのような 白みがかった ブルーで、はだの びょう気などに ききめが あるそうです。

So far I have:

おゆの 色は = Colour of the hot water
その 名の とおり = That name ??? not sure how to translate とおり, seem to be several meanings on Jisho
ソーダアイスのような 白みがかった ブルーで = similar to soda ice whitish blue

Really not sure about the rest at all. :thinking:


I was in the Blue Lagon a month ago ;p


Not been myself so I was looking at it on Google images and it does look amazing… but I’m not sure I would want to be in there with 699 other people :stuck_out_tongue:


Page 69

Agree last sentence is tricky. Here’s my attempts…

おんせんの ゆけむりは 日本の イメージですが、 外国にも たくさん あります。

ゆけむり - 湯煙 - steam
イメージ - one’s image, impression, mental image

The steam of an onsen is an image of Japan, but there are plenty of onsen in other countries too.

中でも、 せかいで いちばん 大きな おんせんは、 ヨーロッパの 北の アイスランドに ある、 ブルーラグーンと いう 場所です。

中でも - among (other things); especially; particularly; inter alia; above all (else)

In particular, the world’s biggest onsen is a place called Blue Lagoon, which is in Finland in Northern Europe. (EDIT - should be Iceland not Finland)

なんと 七百人が いっしょに 入れる 広さです。

It’s wide enough for 700 people to go in together.

何と - what; how; whatever

おゆの 色は、 その 名の とおり、 ソーダアイスのような 白みがかった ブルーで、 はだの びょう気などに ききめが あるそうです。

The colour of the water, which gives the name, in a cut out pool of whiteness similar to soda ice, seems to have an effect on skin conditions etc.

ような - like similar to
白み - whiteness
かる - to cut, trim, harvest
はだ - skin, surface
ききめ - effect; virtue; efficacy; impression

EDIT - I’ve misread ブルー as プール in that last sentence…


I think at the end it says it has some properties/effects in skin diseases

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Wikipedia describes the water as “milky blue” so I think you’ve got this part right. What is the かった between the 白みが and the ブルー?

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Check you Katakana :wink:

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I did indeed, but at night. It’s actually almost always night in winter :wink:

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白みがかった = “whitish” . In Jisho it says it can be a prenominal verb so

白みがかったブルー= whitish blue

とおり = in the same way
その名のとおり = in the same way as that name

で added to ブルー makes it て-form and so it’s a conjunction.

The hot water’s color, same as the name, is whitish blue like soda ice and…


Page 70

この おんせんが できた りゆうは 少し かわっています

この - this
おんせんが - hot spring + が
できた - plain past of 出来る, to be made, to be built
りゆうは - 理由, reason, + は
少し - a little
かわっています - ています form of 変わる, to be unusual

The reason this hot spring was established is a little unusual.

この 近くに, 地下の ねつを 利用して, 電気を つくる 発電所が あります

この - this
近くに, - near, neighbourhood + に
地下の - underground
ねつを - 熱, heat + を
利用して, - use + する in て-form
電気を - electricity + を
つくる - 作る, to make, in dictionary form
発電所が - power station
あります - there is

In this neighbourhood there are power stations that make electricity using underground heat.


They look good to me. As ever your breakdown is really helpful in understanding the sentence! :slight_smile:

Once again getting the correct meaning of the verb in context is so key in these sentences. I was trying to translate 出来た as “was able” and 変わって as “to be changed”.

The third sentence of the four on this page is tricky:

発電のときに、 出る たくさんの あつい おゆを すてずに ためて、 入る ことが できるように したのが このおんせんなのです。

発電のときに At the time of electricity generation

出る たくさんの あつい おゆを すてずに ためて appears lots of hot water without discarding に accumulating

入る ことが できるように したのが このおんせんなのです。in this way is able to enter the onsen?

Can’t quite figure the middle part.

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Why 出る and 入る are at the beginning of the sentence?

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They’re modifying nouns? 出る modifies おゆ and 入る is part of ~ことが出来る which is basically the same thing as the normal potential form 入れる.


Sorry… this holidays + Durlte Heaven is killing my grammar… hope to be bak tomorrow!

Hi there !
I just came back to Wanikani after more than a year without praying the crabigator and restarted from level 1 (was lvl17 but had to pay for my lack of praying).
I’m slowly catching up on the book (first part about food is over) so I’m nowhere near working with you on the translations, but I just wanted to say that this bookclub is AMAZING ! :smiley:
Reading alone can somtimes be really challenging, and seeing all the support here really pumps me up !
Anyway, I still have… 46 pages and roughly 900 messages to read… so i guess i have to get back to work ^^’


So あついおゆ is 熱いお湯 i.e. hot honourable hotwater ? Does anyone know if there is a distinction between the first and second hots, or if this is just for emphasis?

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