しろくまカフェ: Week 1 Discussion (Chapters 1 and 2)

Are you collating these explanations onto a document somewhere? :slight_smile:

Actually, なんていっても is a common phrase that means “anyway”, “however”, “no matter what” and such
I’m not sure about what it literally means or the individual words in this phrase though


I am not. There was discussion earlier and some people preferred the information stay in this thread.

Nooooooooooooooo Jisho.org:

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That’s how I translated it too.

However, いい味 means good taste and 出してる means is showing/is bringing out so I translated it to something like “Anyway, master/chef Shirokuma is showing good taste”
I don’t remember that section mentioning food so I interpreted it as a statement about his bussiness


I just found it on jisho, search for なんといっても
Looks like in kanji it is 何と言っても which makes sence since literally it means “whith that being said”. と is the quotation particle and て is the informal version, so yeah we learned something new together


Aaand, done with chapter 2! Maybe it was just me, but that was a lot easier than chapter one.

For the translations–doing each line or panel in its own post is probably a good idea, to keep possible discussion around them organized (so you can reply to the post with the line/panel in question), but what about having one post where they’re gathered as they’re done, for easier referencing?

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Is it NOT a bear cupcake? :thinking:

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I usually say ふくろはいりません if I don’t want a plastic bag.
There seems to be a subtle difference between the two, as you can read here: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-different-between-nai-desu。and-masen。at-the-end-of-the-sentence


I kind of figured there might be a double meaning implied there, referring to both the classiness of the cafe and the big bowl of おいしそう bamboo that gets 出すed in the next panel.


I definitely have the total beginner impulse to try to translate everything perfectly, but I generally find that things go better (in terms of not getting frustrated) if I don’t. I usually read the sentence (out loud if possible) just to hear it. Then I pick out any words/grammar that I sort of recognize (e.g. I see -ない and think “negation”). Then I take a look at the picture to get a sense of what’s going on, and compare to any words/meaning that I picked out.

After that, I’ll look up some words that I don’t know, using jisho or the spreadsheet. I find looking things up in jisho helps them stick more because I had to type them in and pick a meaning that made sense. However, the spreadsheet really helps me parse the sentence (e.g. is that a separate word, or some kind of ending/conjugation/grammatical thing).

I avoid trying to translate everything, and shoot to get the gist in each panel. Unless you only ever study grammar by reading, getting the general idea of what a grammar structure means should let you get the story, and give you some grounding for when you learn that piece of grammar (or related ones) more formally in a grammar resource. This is my second or third manga volume now (The other’s were Chi’s Sweet Home). When I have a lot of energy, I will look closely at each grammar point I’ve never seen and try to understand, but most of the time, I don’t.

I am more likely to finish the book if I let some details go, because it’s much less frustrating.

Good luck!


I love the joke about their names! I can’t tell if it’s because it’s really funny (which I think it is), or if it’s because it was the easiest joke to ‘get’.

The puns kinda confuse me? Panda is saying words that sound similar to an actual word that was used and Shirokuma appears demonstrating those words in some way, right? I feel like the puns would be funnier if the vocabulary was familiar, but I’m also not sure if that’s the extent of the joke?

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I think the joke is basically, Panda says a word Shirokuma doesn’t know, so he play acts words he knows that sound similar, and Panda is like “No, that’s X,” where X is whatever Shirokuma is play acting.

And Shirokuma’s interpretations get gradually more and more obviously absurd, starting with a phrase that actually has the same reading as whatever Panda said, and ending with カメハメハ.


So… we only made it to page 6 so far? :stuck_out_tongue:


This is how I interpreted it too, but I assumed there was a double meaning as he was also literally bringing out food at the time :sweat_smile:

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いい味出している is an expression meaning “to have a presence”, so I think it has some sort of punny double meaning as well considering the context :panda_face: so maybe something like… he has good taste? Both literally regarding the food and figuratively regarding the nice atmosphere of the cafeとか?


Okay, next up:
page 6, the bottom two panels:

お待ち - waiting
“thanks for waiting” or “sorry for the wait”?

おいしそー! - tasty-looking (assuming it’s おいしそう)
“wow… looks delicious!”

コーヒー - coffee
に - target particle
お砂糖 - sugar
は - topic particle
いらない - negative of 入る
よ - sentence ending particle for conveying new information
“ah, won’t you put sugar in you coffee?”
or would a more natural translation be “ah, would you like sugar in your coffee”?

いらない - don’t need it (negative of 要る)
“ah, don’t need sugar in the coffee”


I think I might have to take your advice on this one, having difficulty on knowing how to approach this book.

For なぜ?どうして?I did do line-by-line translations, but I’m not sure that was a good idea as a complete beginner. I just started reading tonight and after an hour I’ve barely managed 2 pages :stuck_out_tongue: I have to admit it’s a bit disheartening.

On the other hand, I liked doing full translations and posting them and having people critique and share their own translations was super useful. I’m still not entirely sure what I should do… :S


No, this is Panda-san saying “I don’t need sugar”. Remember, Shirokuma-san speaks without bubbles.

Also, it’s the negative of 要る.


Oh! Yes, probably something like that.

For some reason, I was so sure the kanji there was 持つ that I didn’t bother to look it up, and figured it meant “I have your food” or some such.

There was some discussion about いらない up above… it’s almost always 要らない, “I don’t need it.” And is a pretty uncommon reading.

And the layout of the panel is a bit confusing, but I believe it’s Panda talking, not Shirokuma. He’s declining the sugar, leading into the next page of puns.