
I typed in “rice field” for meaning, as that is an accepted alternate meaning for the 「田」kanji, but NOOooooOOOOOooo, I just ended my correct streak over that. I’m annoyed.


The WK staff are in the process of overhauling radicals, which includes adding “invisible” synonyms to them, so you will get credit for those ones that are different from their kanji counterparts in the future. Tough luck. You can try the override script, or just add your own synonyms in the meantime.


personally 申 is my nemesis as the radical only has ‘say humbly’ while the kanji has ‘humbly say’ as an alternative synonym. and for whatever reason in my brain, ‘humbly say’ makes more sense to me…so i keep typing in like a dumb robot for the radical then right as i finish and enter it in…go ‘gah…no dummy it’s other way round’


When I have problems with that I usually add an additional synonym. I did that, for example, with the word 公用 because I had a lot of troubles with writting ‘government business’, so I add ‘public task’ because it was more easily written even if it wasn’t the most accurate definition.

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Add it as a synonym! In fact, get familiar with synonyms, it will save you a lot of time.

My personal hell was 母. I already knew it meant mother, so everytime the radical showed I just typed that instead of “drawers”… it took me a long long time to burn it, for such a basic radical. If I had known about synonyms…!

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i keep telling myself to, but ya know…kittens and stuff…

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