Your Latest WaniKani Achievement

Ooh, I will definitely check it out. Where is the fruits basket anime available?

Also, I just got my set of 3月のライオン man’s books yesterday! Volume 20 is where the story really starts to progress after the anime. I’ve already started an anki deck for the first chapter…

Hi all, this is one of my first posts so I’m still figuring this UI out;
I just Mastered my first radical, haha!

It was the radical for ‘prison’. I got so excited even before I hit enter! The same sessions I mastered 18 more radicals, bringing it to a total of 19.

This motivates me tremendously to keep grinding away on WaniKani.


Great, let’s pick a start date for the 3月のライオン book club, and I’ll start advertising it in the book club thread! People in my current book club have said that it really helps to pre-study the vocabulary, so I’ll keep adding to my anki deck, and share that. I’m pretty good at grammar, so I can support that, too. I’m only level 20 on Wanikani but I studied Japanese formally for 5 years, so my grammar is way ahead of my vocabulary.

I hit 1000 burned
progressing slowly but it’s still progress :>


same! I have managed to hit 100% before, but for both my sessions in the same day - that was weird.

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For the sub, Fruits Basket is currently halfway through the second season on Crunchyroll (it just started the second cour and will air every Monday through September-ish). CR also has the entire first season sub available.

For the dub, the first season is available on Hulu and most of the second season is available as a SimulDub on Funimation. The currently airing dub episodes have been delayed due to COVID complications, so the dub is five episodes behind (Ep 9 will air Monday vs Ep 14 of the sub).

For this anime, either option is excellent IMO. :grinning: It is a bit of a slow burn, but it’s worth it. I hope you like it!

As for 3月のライオン, I actually haven’t read very far past that part of the manga yet!

Great! Next time I find time to watch, I’ll check it out! I do “laundranime,” which means I watch anime while folding laundry. My husband tries not to make fun of me, but only because he hates folding laundry.

Are you already reading the 3月のライオン manga? I’m finding the Kanji very challenging. They often use alternate kanji, even for vocabulary I know–like 堕ちるinstead of 落ちる. I keep my giant kanji dictionary next to me.

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Just hit this milestone yesterday. It’s been less than four months on WaniKani yet I’ve learned so much. Really an incredible program



I have two
1: I surpassed my previous attempt, I resetted at lvl 22 but now I am stronger. This is not even my final level :slight_smile:

2: I have less than 50 apprentice items. Woah. !!!1


I’ve made it from “pleasant” to “painful”!

still gonna take me until November before I can burn stuff, though…


Just got my first Enlightened! So happy!




Unlocked the 2nd half of level 15. It finally feels like I’m getting somewhere.


I reached level 60 last week


One thousand enlightened items, baybee~


latest achievement is that i started again at all :smile: i wonder how long i’ll stick to it this time. longest run was ~5 months in 2018, which is a nice goal to beat. next important checkpoint will be reaching the level before reset (23) and finally learning new kanji again (although i have some exposure to new ones via bunpro, kamesame and the little reading i do).


I have finally guru’d all lvl60 kanji and done all lessons.


I made it to the halfway mark!


Finally made it to Reality levels without resetting …yet…again


As someone who as never made it to Reality, I’m curious why you reset?