僕が愛したすべての君へ 📦 (Intermediate Book Club) ・ Week 11

Week 11 29 April 2023
End page 163
End % 64%
End phrase …一〇回目のシフト実験の時だった
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Home Thread 僕が愛したすべての君へ


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Live Readings

The next weekly live reading session will be 2023-05-07T12:30:00Z Join the Japanese Book Club Discord to either read or listen!

Proper Nouns

Name Reading Notes
高崎暦 たかさきこよみ The main character
ユノ ユノ His grandfather’s dog
瀧川和音 たきがわかずね A top student in 暦’s class
虚質科学研究所 きょしつかがくけんきゅうじょ Institute of Imaginary Science
佐藤綾子 さとういとこ The founder of imaginary science


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One Question

If I’m following correctly, I think that アインズヴァッハ seems to be the name of the machine that allows for shifting by choice, but…what is the name supposed to be? Is it a reference to something?


It seems to be the name of the capsule’s inventor. The kindle translator gives ‘Einswach’s cradle’. It’s not a known person, perhaps an allusion to Einstein?


Possibly a reference to 「キミとは致命的なズレがある」.


(『君を愛したひとりの僕へ』 - ゆうべによんだ。)

It references「アインズヴァッハの門」.

As far as the reading goes, am I getting this right?

They’re secretly experimenting with voluntary shifts so that Koyomi can become comfortable with 001 Kazune in case they get swapped during the wedding so they can be OK with that?

If so, the word cockamamie comes to mind.


I think it’s more than that.

The overarching goal is demonstrating that shifts are not dangerous to the society and that voluntary shifts can be tracked and won’t be misused.


Yes, for me too :smile:


Bit late, but all the good things in life come at least 1 or 2 days later than they are supposed to, like all the packages I am foolish enough to order locally.


Very cute part. Absolutely love the idea of loving each and every possibility of someone else, that’s just a good phrase even for us (possibly) non parallelized individuals. This is sofar my favourite part of the entire book, actually properly mixing together romance and sci-fi concepts.

Interesting take about how fixing the IP number in place (I usually do that in my router, but the tech mumbo jumbo they came up with about recording spin vectors and the 1984 they decided to enact on the subatomic particles of someone could also work) makes the whole universe basically deterministic. That’s a proper though inducing idea. Though if apparently universes don’t drift apart (guessing from how Calendar said that he already met 001 Kazune), that still sounds somewhat deterministic.

One thing I noticed is that the author seemingly stretches the meaning of being one parallel world apart. Like it started with an eraser being placed in the left cupboard instead of the right. Then there was the 20th birthday explanation of placing the table or wine glass or whatever on the table in a slightly different location. But now someone from the neighbouring universe might have completely different breakfast in the morning. Like correct me if I’m wrong, but that sounds way more serious than an eraser being misplaced.

Love the series, can’t wait until everything goes to s**t. This ending phrase already seems ominous enough.


I am actually liking where the story is heading and I think it’s finally picking up pace in terms of suspense.

On voluntary parallel shifting

I think the scientific explanation behind shifting in and of itself is quite reasonable, but considering that as it was explained before that only the person’s conscience shifts, it doesn’t really make sense, unless we’re attributing physical properties to consciences and entering Ghost in the Shell levels :stuck_out_tongue:

The other problem I see is that the moment the voluntary shifting tech enters testing phase, things can go to shit, because if someone decides to conduct the experiment in universe 0, any of the other universes can do the same and our 暦 0 can end up literally anywhere. This is way better explored in one of Philip Dick’s stories where he points out that the mere conception of the technology already has an impact on the timeline.