僕が愛したすべての君へ 📦 (Intermediate Book Club) ・ Week 10

Week 10 22 April 2023
End page 147
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End phrase この問題に、世界は今も答えを出せないままでいる。
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Home Thread 僕が愛したすべての君へ


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Live Readings

The next weekly live reading session will be 2023-04-30T12:30:00Z Join the Japanese Book Club Discord to either read or listen!

Proper Nouns

Name Reading Notes
高崎暦 たかさきこよみ The main character
ユノ ユノ His grandfather’s dog
瀧川和音 たきがわかずね A top student in 暦’s class
虚質科学研究所 きょしつかがくけんきゅうじょ Institute of Imaginary Science
佐藤綾子 さとういとこ The founder of imaginary science


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Dang need to speed up. The book club caught up with me :joy:


First time that I read the entire chapter on the first day of the book club week. Not because I was particularly hooked by the story, rather I had to travel for about 2.5 hours and even after that, I need to wait quite a bit without anything to do (I’m still waiting btw).

onto my weekly thoughts section

Doing a bunch of time jumps, and now a flashback. Certainly a weird order to things, but I didn’t mind it much.

Man, the situation they described. That must s***. Though I certainly want to ask, why didn’t they take the IP monitors off? I now question how big such a thing is in the author’s mind to not even think about taking it off when you are getting prepared for the act. I originally imagined something that was closer to cellphone sized than anything, but I guess it’s closer to a watch of sorts. Should be integrated into a smartwatch imo. “Now besides your heartrate, and blood pressure, you can even measure how far away you’ve drifted from your loved ones!”. Wonderful marketing opportunity.

I did correctly forecast that we will have some parallel shifting shenanigans. It was quite a small shift, but I don’t mind that. Talking about how your everyday changes because of new technology is one place where sci-fi shines in my mind.


Yes, agreed. Some interesting questions were raised this week :thinking:. Made it the most enjoyable week so far for me :slightly_smiling_face:.


I also liked the discussion at the end, now I’m wondering if the last 43% of the book will be focused on going over similar scenarios/questions.

On a side note, is this book considered to be a light novel? I remember once a Japanese book account on English Twitter saying how they tend not to like light novels because they’re also “light” on plot.


It’s considered a novel, not a light novel.


I just finished the novel. I largely enjoyed it, though I was a little disappointed that it felt like the writing/characters were too simple sometimes. Though a lot of the 暦’s actions made me roll my eyes, some events to come later actually made me pretty emotional.

I thought I’d follow along with this book club while also reading another more difficult novel, but what ended up happening is that I read this book whenever I was too tired to read my goal of 10 pages per day of my more difficult book.

This is the first novel I’ve read where I really felt like I didn’t need a dictionary and could read at full speed, so I’m looking forward to getting to the level where I can read more difficult novels with this level of fluency.

I totally thought it was a light novel until you mentioned it.


Yeah, the shenanigans with the IP felt a bit forced. Are you really marrying a different person if it’s a few minutes of someone who chose to eat a different breakfast that morning? You both have the same memories anyway. Not sure how Calendar is overthinking this so hard. I mean people have lived without these devices for forever. The sex thing also felt so dumb. I mean, it must’ve been awkward if they were more focused on the IP numbers than each other.

Can anyone give some spoiler-free indication if there’s something more interesting coming this way, or should I just stop reading?


It was good enough to be worth finishing, but I would read it at a faster pace than the club did. I think the book suffered a bit from the slower reading pace of the club. I can for sure tell you that the partner book, 君愛, has stronger writing, more relatable characters, and I’m enjoying it a lot more than I did 僕愛. There’s some interconnection, so finishing 僕愛 to be able to better understand the better partner book is worth it for that alone, imo.

But yeah, my overall feeling on 僕愛 is it was okay, worth reading, but doing so at a less leisurely pace would have been better, so if you do continue, don’t follow the weekly pacing here.


Yeah, no reason really to read it in the clubs pace now that it’s finished.

Thanks for the info, I’ll probably try to power through it in a few evenings; not that much left anyway.