🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2023 🌼 🌱

Apr 9, Sun of Week 2 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

歴史 [6/90] - 縄文時代. Then, I feel the need to learn Japan’s regions, so there is 都道府県を覚えよう (1-7), but I only made it to 3 today. Too overloaded. There is also this song – 日本地図の歌(ゆめあるオリジナルソング) - YouTube, but I think it is better for reviewing.

I feel that YouTube makes it inconvenient to go on to the next episode in the playlist, or resume the playlist after a while. Though, this is a little easier on mobile (Android with small screen). Maybe YouTube loses possible income from people being loyal to a playlist (rather than jumping around and seeing a little of many things).

こころ Ch.7-12. YouTube has comments, making it more interesting and wanting to know further.

推し、燃ゆ [1-2/10]. I probably only understand well first half of the first track. Still don’t like the vocal much and that might matter. (Can’t talk much about the story yet.)

Today, I have found a sound amplifier app for Android, making listening on travelling, with traffic noise, easier. (Not sure if it is good for my ears, though.)