月刊少女野崎くん 🖌️ (Beginner Book Club) ・ Week 3

Week 3 21 January 2023
Chapter 5 and 6
End page 88
Page count 28
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Good evening everyone! Just got started on chapter 5 and have a couple questions on the third page:


  1. What does それっぽい mean? I understand that Mikorin will introduce Sakura to this person, but that’s about it.
  2. The kanji on the small text on the left, what does it mean (and how does it read)? I understand the kawaii and the bijin-san, but the last character I’m not sure if I’m familiar with.

Have a nice week everyone!

Answers - Page 64

My undestanding is that the meaning comes from context. In the previous page, Sakura asks Mikorin if he knows someone who is “manga-like” (マンガ的な人).
So after the joke in that page, Mikorin comes back to that question and says それっぽい which literally is “(someone) like that”, using the っぽい suffix - so he means he will introduce someone who resembles a manga stereotype.

It’s the kanji 系 (read as けい). This is very often used as a suffix to indicate categories / groupings / types. So かわいい系 would be “of the cute type” and 美人さん系 would be “of the handsome/beautiful type”.


Thank you!!


Good morning everyone, I have a couple more questions on chapter 5 :slight_smile:


  1. Regarding what Sakura says at the left side of the panel: I don’t completely understand the meaning, I believe my main problem is the short phrase 望み薄い感じ. In general, what I understood was that Nozomi never said himself that they are friends, and then (something) about these feelings could be a shock?

  2. Left side of Mikorin’s panel, I understand he is trying to find a way to define his relationship with Nozaki? Comrades, good friends, fate (something something)? I’m not sure I really understand the meaning of the middle phrase (the 運命… + 3 kanjis), is it something like destined friends?

I’m hoping to start with chapter 6 tonight and finish it in the next few days; I have been learning more words then I expected!


Sakura’s case: Imagine that the person you are in love with introduces you and says “We are just friends”. :joy:
Mikorin’s case: He does not want to say that Nozaki is a mangaka and they are helping him. It would be too simple and trivial for a person like Mikorin. So he prefers saying 運命共同体 ((in the) same boat; (sharing a) common destiny) etc.


Thank you! :slight_smile: