πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 β˜ƒβ„

:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: Tanuki Snow Reading :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

δΈ€ 月
ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:page_facing_up: :hatching_chick: :mountain: :pirate_flag: :full_moon: :honeybee: :horse:
:rice: :bell: :candy: :hourglass: :tea: :pouch: :canoe:
:firecracker: :deciduous_tree: :cat2: :salt: :beans: :hammer: :knot:
:rabbit: :rowing_man: :bamboo: :bow_and_arrow: :fire: :sewing_needle: :rice_ball:
:evergreen_tree: :fire: :person_fencing:
二 月
ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:japanese_castle: :horse: :horse: :fireworks:
:ear_of_rice: :horse: :tea: :ninja: :wood: :house: :coat:
:ring: :bowing_man: :fire: :crossed_swords: :hole: :wood: :sake:
:japanese_castle: :email: :fireworks: :full_moon: :shinto_shrine: :mount_fuji: :japanese_castle:
:interrobang: :crossed_swords: :zzz:
δΈ‰ 月
ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:crossed_swords: :cricket: :cloud_with_rain: :rainbow:
:potted_plant: :chipmunk: :hibiscus: :paintbrush: :sake: :sake: :camping:
:evergreen_tree: :bucket: :volleyball: :shower: :turtle: :monkey: :tiger2:
:japanese_castle: :ear: :mountain: :mountain_snow: :cherry_blossom: :mountain: :japanese_castle:
:sun_behind_small_cloud: :teapot: :paintbrush: :crossed_swords: :fire: :hocho:

New year, new reading! Thanks again @windupbird for being the reading host!

Looking forward to reading along with everyone else, I still need to find something to read.

Finally decided on what to read, got pretty obsessed with ancient Chinese literature lately (currently reading Three Kingdoms again (in English)) so I have a craving for reading about samurai and bloody battles of ancient times so… what else to try and attempt to read but ζ–°ζ›Έε€ͺι–€θ¨˜ by 吉川 θ‹±ζ²»??
(In English I think it’s translated to β€œTaiko: An Epic Novel of War and Glory in Feudal Japan” by Eiji Yoshikawa, but it’s about the Sengoku period with the constant upheaval of power to unite Japan; Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu and all those guys)

Perhaps I will regret this later, this this is very long (900 pages or something, split into 11 books/volumes), but there is no going back now, I am committed.