📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

:bookmark: Home post // Feb 2 :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake:

・ 封印再度 (93% → 100%)

Finished Saikawa & Moe book 5. I liked the beginning of the book Moe being all gungho about the mystery and her dog being super cute, also the fact that Saikawa was absent for a while, lol and a bit of the last part when Saikawa spoke with Fumi, the widow, who answered the “why” part of the mystery, ie. why her husband died. Some of the stuff in the middle made my eyes roll (the part where Moe secretly having a disease turned out to be a massive april fools as well as marriage suddenly being a theme and then discarded swept under the rug just as quickly. Honestly, I used to root for the two of them, but unless they stop being so weird with each other, I’m not getting my hopes up).

Tried reading Eugenia (0% → 3%) but I’m not in the mood for a random stand-alone book right now. Decided to go for 薬屋のひとりごと3 (0% → 2%) instead. Then I realized it’s been quite a while since I left off from the second volume. Hopefully, I’ll remember more of what happened previously as the story unfolds.