πŸ”Š πŸŽ™ Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2022 🍁

Dec 11, Sun of Week 11 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

I watched grammar on to ~γͺγ„γ§γ―γ„γ‚‰γ‚Œγͺい / ο½žγšγ«γ―γ„γ‚‰γ‚Œγͺい.

I watched (listened to) 4 Youtube channels on horror and mystery, thanks to @pocketcat. Of particular interest are the first three – the first has fully transcribed, but hideable transcripts (JP, EN), the second has JP hard sub, the third has text from time-to-time. My posted Rickyy doesn’t have human transcripts (only auto-generated JP), and rarely written cues. Nonetheless, it still depends on vocabularies and I want to rewind or pause as infrequent as possible. Also, I didn’t look much as I was walking (for exercise), and Youtube Premium can turn off the screen.