๐Ÿ”Š ๐ŸŽ™ Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2022 ๐Ÿ

Nov 25, Fri of Week 9 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

Watched latter half episode of Pokemon - Sky full of Spears.

Listened to an episode of Learn Japanese of Noriko, interviewing another sensei, and giving advice. Then, a part of ใ‹ใŒใฟใฎๅญคๅŸŽ, so concluding November, but I would probably read the ไธŠ volume later (ends in December). I understand the storyline somewhat, probably enough to replace ไธ‹ volume, but also miss a lot โ€“ I would need to improve that somehow.

After, I got tired of listening for meaning, so just listen to songs.