πŸ”Š πŸŽ™ Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2022 🍁

Nov 19, Sat of Week 8 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

Yesterday, I watched half episode of Pokemon (1997) EP.2. It’s actually the introduction of Rocket gang, that is, ζ­¦θ”΅(Jessie) and ε°ζ¬‘ιƒŽ(James). (I am not very acquianted to English names, so I searched just now. I might know much more about English Pokemon names, because they are in the games.)

Today, I listened to an episode of Learn Japanese with Noriko Extra!, on Patreon. It got notified, so I wanted to check that out.

Recently, I played some games with dialogue lists, of a few lines of text and most have accompanying audio. Although having audio should be important for learning, I don’t think I would call that a dedicated listening exercise yet; because of missing pieces of having homophones, and phrase detection, as well as the flow of audio in the bigger scale. Nonetheless, it helps cement association of some written forms with audio. Also, it is pretty convenient for vocabulary and phrase mining.

I would still listen at least minimal everyday, although it also partially depends on occasions.