๐Ÿ”Š ๐ŸŽ™ Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2022 ๐Ÿ

Oct 17, Mon of Week 4 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

Today, I listened to 2 episodes of Nihongo SWiTCH.

I might consider re-listening, in particular, the first one. After all, a purpose of attending a lecture is to be able to do well in exam, that is, do I remember most essential stuff?

The time I listened was when today I went to a small fitness center by my own. No trainer, that means I controlled my time. So, I trained long enough to finish two episodes. (There are some time segments I didnโ€™t put headphone on as well.) In any case, I want to eventually exercise regularly, without hiring a trainer, nor needing a fully-equipped facility.

I also watched HUNTER x HUNTER (generated sub) now to Ep.71, when a post watching-club arc has ended (up to Ep.70), yet I have seen only ๅฟƒ่‡“้บป็—บ. Though, I think I saw ๅฟƒ่‡“ใฎๆญป in my childhood memories.

Yeah, in my mind, I am somewhat rushed to finish the series (Ep.92), and continue reading the manga. Probably as far as I somewhat knew the storyline (but like, on a level of passing by).