📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Home post :bookmark: Oct 23 :maple_leaf:

・本好きの下剋上 11 (86% → 87%)

Today was very productive in terms of studying neurology and ocular anatomy. The same can’t be said for the Japanese side of stuff, unfortunately :caught_durtling: Found a great channel on youtube called Ninja Nerd, so I’ve been watching a couple of their videos. Simple explanations and in great detail at the same time.

(If I can binge-watch a let’s play for a whole day, I can binge-watch actual study material too, right? :joy: :high_touch: )

Random 2:

I’ve managed to memorize the 10-11 layers of the retina, but I still don’t know what’s up with layer 5-8, the “plexiform” and “nuclear” layers. Current (personal) mystery that needs to be investigated :mag: :eyes: :ghost: