📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Home post :bookmark: // :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf: Dec 31 :snowman_with_snow::christmas_tree:

・ 本好きの下克上 16 (0% → 7%)

Last day of the year, I started volume 16 :eyes: First impression: The vibe is different, going deeper into political stuff.


They really dooo :') I remember one time I was feeling like I couldn’t join because I knew the upcoming semester was going to be super busy and that I wouldn’t have time for hobbies, but people encouraged me to join anyway. So I did! (I’m so grateful for these threads and the nice atmosphere we got here.) In my own way, I went into TINY CHALLENGE MODE trying to read at least a tiny bit every day. Even went as far as to make the font tiny in my home post and daily updates, symbolizing the theme of tiny-ness, ahhh xD

Wiii, thanks! Both of you x3 Looking back, it feels like it wasn’t that long ago since the day I posted the first challenge on a whim. (Didn’t think this would become more recurrent than two months a year.) Somehow, the effort of showing up and trying a bit every day stacked up like snowflakes into a snowball and then into a snowman :snowman_with_snow: Or like how tiny drops of nectar becomes a jar of honey :honeybee: :honey_pot: or how several leaves can fill a whole garden :fallen_leaf: :maple_leaf: …You get the idea :joy:

It’s all piling up and I’m proud of making that happen :3

I usually post a summary of how each season went for me. I’ll just do a quick one this time.

In October and November I continued the books I had started prior to the challenge (Honzuki 11 and Spice & Wolf). Also went ahead and read Honzuki 12-13. December consisted of Honzuki 14-15 and parts of the fifth book in the series about Saikawa & Moe (with the book club).

Maybe because it’s Honzuki, a series I’m quite familiar with by now, but I feel like reading is a much smoother process now. I guess I can only wait to be hit by reality check when I pick up other books again :joy:

Cheers for now and happy new year! :sparkles: