📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Home post :bookmark: Nov 17 :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf:

・本好きの下剋上 13 (21% → 30%)

Was too tired to laptop last night, so I’m posting this now.

Lots of good words
愛弟子(まなでし) favorite pupil, teacher’s pet
死守(ししゅ) defending to the last
すみれ(いろ) violet (color) [1]
久方(ひさかた)ぶり first in a long time
(ほま) honor
未就学(みしゅうがく) preschool (not yet entered school)
山吹色(やまぶきいろ) bright golden yellow [2]
箇条書(かじょうが) itemized form [3]
続報(ぞくほう) follow-up report, further news
反比例(はんぴれい) inverse proportion

  1. image ↩︎

  2. image ↩︎

  3. image ↩︎