πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 πŸ– β˜€

:tiger2: :books: Reading Tiger, Roasting Tanuki :hot_pepper: :raccoon:

Summer time reading GO!

ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:sunny: :secret:
:frog: :rabbit2: :brain: :ring: :ant: :japanese_ogre: :zap:
:pill: :department_store: :syringe: :point_left: :milky_way: :100: :rabbit2:
:raccoon: :sweden: :station: :rock: :cookie: :fish_cake: :flying_saucer:
:japanese_castle: :onion: :black_cat: :rocket: :leaves: :star: :motorcycle:
ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:seedling: :lebanon: :antarctica: :open_mouth: :milky_way: :smiley_cat:
:hole: :closed_book: :cat2: :toilet: :art: :black_cat: :mouse2:
:paintbrush: :fallen_leaf: :green_book: :snowflake: :bread: :notebook: :cat:
:japanese_ogre: :bell: :black_cat: :plate_with_cutlery: :speech_balloon: :peacock: :blossom:
:writing_hand: :frog: :cloud: :evergreen_tree:
ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:spiral_calendar: :speech_balloon: :cat2:
:chestnut: :pen: :open_book: :heavy_division_sign: :running_man: :nose: :full_moon:
:raccoon: :speech_balloon: :brain: :bangbang: :nose: :athletic_shoe: :ear:
:wind_chime: :cherry_blossom: :chair: :speech_balloon: :speech_balloon: :sun_behind_large_cloud: :zzz:
:eyes: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :sweet_potato: :pinching_hand: :dark_sunglasses: :dog2:

Unless I gain miraculous Japanese comprehension in the next few days then I’ll still be reading No Longer Human by the time this challenge starts. I’ll continue with that for this challenge and then see what I feel like reading next when I get there.

Probably something light and cute to counter-balance the oppressing gloom of No Longer Human :rofl:

Random article link because it keeps disappearing from the Japanese Wiki homepage:

I am so ready to be overcome by cute.

And thank you for setting up the thread again and for keeping these threads going! :smile_cat: