📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

July 3 :blossom: Home Post

Well I went a little wild; I didn’t start reading until pretty late and so really had no reason to read an entire chapter of 海辺(うみべ)のカフカ, and yet :laughing: So yeah I read chapter 13 to finish up this week’s reading, which was almost 30 pages in about two hours? While trying to not fall asleep toward the end lmao, what a feat :joy: That also puts me at the halfway mark, we’re getting there! チェズレイ prepared me a bit for all the music talk haha. It was pretty smooth sailing overall, some bits of philosophical/literary stuff that was a little tougher, but generally far smoother than the keigo letter for sure. So yeah, not a bad day’s work!