📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

Aug 27, Sat of Week 9 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

This week, I haven’t realy read “a book” much, but I should progress a little to show directions and possibilities.

To get along with HUNTER×HUNTER anime, I dug into HUNTER×HUNTER manga Vol.3 a little. Currently at Ep.21, which doesn’t equivalently finish Vol.3 yet.

I continued to read Death Note Vol.4 with the club, so I have read Ch.26-27; but both of I read relatively slowly and I don’t want to be ahead of the club, so I would stop there. I also have other reading priorities. (Perhaps try to finish HUNTER×HUNTER volumes ahead instead?)

I haven’t continued 3æœˆăźăƒ©ă‚€ă‚Șン yet, but this manga after Ch.1, each chapter is relatively short, so that shouldn’t be too hard.

I started reading a grammar point (ïœžăŸă„), searched via Bunpro, to help with reading (HUNTER×HUNTER manga, actually). This is is in N2, so I wonder about textbook and from N5 approach, when will I get there?

Grammar points and transcripts (from anime watching), are broken down into sentences, and made into flashcards with context. (with mochi.cards API, but Anki’s AnkiConnect API should be no different) Next possibility is Wikipedia articles / business Japanese articles / blog articles?

Manga and novels in Bookwalker aren’t really impossible to be made into flashcards, but they have to be started from DRM removal, and manga would also need OCR. I am reluctant to do either.