📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

:star2: :video_game: August 17 :video_game: :star2:
(home post)

Super Mario Odyssey :star2:

So yesterday, I played quite a bit of SMO. I beat the special boss before bowser’s kingdom and worked my way through most of Bowser’s kingdom. I’m definitely in a bit of a reading slump, and I think I can now say I’m officially behind in all my book clubs. :sweat: Because I don’t think I’ll have enough reading time today to both read most of the current Orange chapter and the longest so far chapter in Loopers.

And dang, I’m tired. I stayed up a bit late, building my IKEA coffee table again. (I got a replacement since there were troubles with the first one.) But I wasn’t that late to bed yesterday. So I don’t know why I feel so very tired today.

Whatever I get done today will feel like a miracle. >_<