📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

:spiral_calendar: Day 46: August 15th :coconut: :parasol_on_ground:

Little bit of extra reading today to make up for not getting a lot in over the weekend.

spacer:ribbon: ふだつきのキョーコちゃん Volume 7 (39% ➨ 58%)
spacer:ninja:t2: くノ一ツバキの胸の内 Volume 4 (34% ➨ 51%)

🔍 名探偵コナン Volume 11 (42% ➨ 52%)

After the last Conan story that was filled to the brim with dialogue that took me forever to go through, it’s nice to have a case where I have only a couple of vocabulary look-ups per page, and a whole chapter is over before I realize it.

👧 からかい上手の(元)高木さん Volume 5 (56% ➨ 63%)

There’s a potentially familiar face in today’s reading:

Looks like it’s potentially this girl grown-up (although she’s a few years younger than Takagi):

Could just be a coincidence, though.

🪄 まじっく快斗 Volume 1 (49% ➨ 66%)

Even though Kaitou Kid appears eventually appears in Detective Conan, I wasn’t expecting to see anything in this series that later appears in the latter.

And yet:

The main difference comparing the two is that this Tropical Land has a Dragon Coaster, whereas Detective Conan has the Mystery Coaster.

Kaito Kid:



Detective Conan:



I’m under the impression the two stories take place in different cities, so maybe there are at least two Tropical Lands?

The mangaka’s habit of having female characters wear their watch with the face on the inside of their wrist was in place here, as well:


Random female character from today’s Detective Conan reading:


I wonder if it was common for girls/women in Japan to wear their watch that way back then.

spacer:card_index: 藤代さん系。 Volume 2 (26% ➨ 51%)