📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary Post

Day 15: April 15th
What did I read?: ふしぎ駄菓子屋銭天堂 Vol 2
How much did I read?: 11 pages
How long did it take me?: 37 min

Finished up this chapter - I felt like Beniko was surprisingly nice and understanding in this one lol. Maybe because Hibiki acknowledged that it wasn’t really fair for him to win the competition over someone who had actually learned to play the piano through hard work. Still, nice of her to bail him out with the magical past-erasing gum xD

I’m going to challenge myself to finish this book over the weekend. There are 2 chapters left, so 1 chapter per day. I think I should be able to do it :muscle:

Good words and a lol courtesy of Jisho
  • コンクール - competition; contest (from the French “concours,” apparently)
  • 幻想曲 (げんそうきょく) - fantasy; fantasia​ (music)
  • わらにもすがる思いで - hoping against hope; desperately hoping; as a last hope
  • 合鍵 (あいかぎ) - duplicate key​; pass key; master key; skeleton key
  • 変哲もない (へんてつもない) - ordinary; plain; commonplace; usual; normal​
  • ありとあらゆる - every conceivable; every single; every possible; all kinds of​
I was just trying to look up ありとあらゆる when suddenly


Led well into the next word I looked up, which was ちんぷんかんぷん - unintelligible language; incoherent language; talking nonsense; babble; gibberish; jargon; gobbledygook :joy: