📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tulip: Day 13 :tulip: :house:
Read: ジャックジャンヌー夏劇ー
Finished: 24 pages (story 1: just one life)
Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Finished the first (and longest I think it was like 70 pages) short story in the ジャックジャンヌ novel. Next one’s is Suzu’s story 涙かんざし, which is quite a bit shorter at 39 pages, so hopefully that one will be a bit easier to get through. I like that this book is broken up into short stories because when I read I always tend to read until the conclusion, but I don’t have the endurance or reading speed to do that in Japanese yet so its nice to have a bunch of little endings in one book.

Reading Thoughts

Came across the sentences 「努力を続けていれば、いつか同期に近づけるのだろうか。間に合うのだろうか、ユニヴェール歌劇学校生という短い時間の中で。あの華に、才能に、持たざる者が、持てる者に。」and it took me a while to figure out what was going on, I’ve never seen so many particles with nothing following them at once.
Storywise, I liked by how the end of the story Kai was able to change his way of thinking in a little bit of a more hopeful direction. It was interesting to see that this is the point of the story where he really started thinking about this before it became a much bigger issue during the winter play in the game.

New Vocab

さらなる even more; still more; further
かたや on the one hand … (and on the other …); on one side
さながら just like
はたまた or​
豪快 (ごうかい)hearty; tremendous; magnificent; glorious; splendid; heroic; stirring
独擅場 (どくせんじょう)field in which one acts unchallenged; unrivaled sphere of activity (unrivalled); one’s monopoly
灼く (やく)to tan (i.e. suntan); to burn​
肩幅 (かたはば)shoulder width (breadth)
全うする (まっとうする)to accomplish; to fulfill; to carry out
舞踊 (ぶよう)dancing; dance
立ち居振る舞い (たちいふるまい)movements; behavior; behaviour; bearing; deportment; manners; demeanor (heard this one but never seen the kanji)
帯びる (おびる)to have a trace of; to be tinged with
殻を破る (からをやぶる)to break up and start anew; to break out of one’s shell; to make a fresh start; to go outside oneself​
爽快 (そうかい)refreshing; exhilarating; invigorating; bracing
息づく to live​
見出す (みいだす)to find out; to discover; to notice; to detect
精悍 (せいかん)virile; tough; masculine; intense

and a happy birthday to @Beyond_Sleepy and @Daisoujou! :birthday: :tada:

and a happy late birthday to @Magillou too! :tada: :partying_face: