📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tulip: Day 9 :tulip: :house:
Had a bunch of homework this day so I only read a bit.
Read: ジャックジャンヌー夏劇ー
Finished: 1 page

New Vocabulary

見落とす to overlook; to fail to notice; to miss (seeing)
洗い直す to reconsider

:tulip: Day 10 :tulip:
Read: 終遠のヴィルシュ -Error:salvation-
Time: about 2 hours 30 minutes
Right before the ending of the next route. This is so much harder to read after the 三幕. I can see no way for this situation to turn out even a little all right so I’m really curious how this ending is going to go.

New Vocabulary

Lots today
ままよ whatever; never mind; I don’t care; the hell with it​
軽率 (けいそつ)rash; thoughtless; careless; hasty; imprudent
教祖 (きょうそ)founder of a religious sect
生存者 (せいぞんしゃ)survivor
良心 (りょうしん)conscience
凄惨 (せいさん)ghastly; gruesome; appalling; lurid
拍子抜け (ひょうしぬけ)anticlimax; let-down; disappointment; loss of interest
退く (どく)to step aside; to move (i.e. out of the way); to make way​
速やか (すみやか)quick; speedy; prompt; rapid; swift
痙攣 (けいれん)convulsion; cramp; spasm; tic; twitch; fit (that second kanj…)
看取り (みとり)deathwatch; attendance at a deathbed
朦朧 (もうろう)dim; hazy; vague; indistinct; faint; fuzzy; cloudy; obscure
なけなし what little … one has; tiny amount of; paltry​
注射器 (ちゅうしゃき)syringe; hypodermic needle; injector
似ても似つかない (にてもにつかない)quite unlike; not bearing the slightest resemblance
自己顕示欲 (じこけんじよく)craving for the limelight
そこかしこ here and there; everywhere
十中八九 (じっちゅうはっく)in 8 or 9 cases out of ten; in all probability​
茫然自失 (ぼうぜんじしつ)stupor; stupefaction; trance; (being) dumbfounded
殺戮 (さつりく)slaughter; massacre

:eyes: Was it this one?