📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

April 10 :cherry_blossom: Home Post

Second real ending achieved! :v: I’m sitting at right around 55 hours so I’ll probably end up around 100 hours again, which based on how much longer I’ve heard VLR is than 999 is a definite improvement! We shall see though :eyes:

VLR stuff

I got 天明寺(てんみょうじ)'s ending! And man was it an endeavor, it went on so long :joy: but the end… クォーク’s letter about how 天明寺(てんみょうじ) raised him and everything they went through, the cream soda… my heart :pleading_face: but like if that’s 天明寺(てんみょうじ)'s ending, I have absolutely no idea what to expect for クォーク :sweat_smile:

In other concerns, hologram ゼロ’s whole spiel about how humans don’t know what they’re living for and only a higher-order being possibly could? Uh yeah that’s ominous, what are we talking about :joy: concern

Yayyy, congrats!! :tada:

I think at this point I’m obligated to proffer Zero Escape :joy: No but if you enjoy the mystery and character interaction aspects of Ace Attorney it might be a good fit! I might be biased since I haven’t messed with AA in Japanese in a while (it scares me lmao) but with the voice acting and such I think Zero Escape’s generally more approachable.

Assuming the pitch accent info isn’t lying to me (which is probably a big assumption lmao) they seem to be the same! Yomichan also has 漁師(りょうし) marked as sensitive, interesting :eyes: