📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tulip: Day 7 :tulip: :house:
Read: マグメル深海水族館
Finished: Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Time: 10 minutes, 18 minutes respectively
Finished the first volume of マグメル! I really like this manga so far, I’d definitely recommend it if the deep sea interests you. It got easier to read near the end because a lot of the specialized vocab from the beginning is repeated. The most difficult aspect was probably reading the names of the sea creatures since they’re almost always long katakana words, and some of them aren’t on jisho. I’m curious how things will go for Koutarou after this and what’s going on with all the things that are being hinted at, so I’ll definitely pick up the next volumes.

New Vocab

出張 (しゅっちょう)business trip; official trip
オウムガイ chambered nautilus (esp. species Nautilus pompilius)
偕老同穴 (かいろうどうけつ)happy life partnership; living faithfully together till death also
カイロウドウケツ Venus’s flower basket (Euplectella aspergillum)​
仲睦まじい (なかむつまじい)harmonious; intimate​
海綿 (かいめん)sponge
マッコウクジラ sperm whale​
工夫 (くふう)device; design; idea; plan; invention
潜水服 (せんすいふく)diving suit
赤外線 (せきがいせん)infrared rays; infrared radiation
補助 (ほじょ)assistance; support; aid; help