📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary Post

Day 2: April 2nd
What did I read?: ふしぎ駄菓子屋銭天堂 Vol 2
How much did I read?: 4 pages
How long did it take me?: 33 min

I did read this again today xD We got the classic intro list of some of the various items for sale in the shop, and I think my favorite has to be ピノキオポッキー :joy: I forgot how much I like the tone of these books. It feels comfy, like I’m reading a book from my childhood. I would have read this when I was younger.

Does anyone else accidentally learn cool new words while looking stuff up in Jisho? :joy: Like today, I was looking up とうとう, which in this case meant “finally; at last; ultimately; in the end​,” but right below that was another とうとう (滔々), which is an adverb or adjective that can mean either “torrentially; swiftly flowing (water, esp. river); voluminously flowing​,” “(speak) eloquently; fluently; spout forth (a torrent of speech)​,” or “flood of the times (moving strongly in one direction); current of the times.” What a cool word? I feel like this happens to me a lot.

Good words that were actually in the reading lol
  • 息が上がる (いきがあがる) - to run out of breath; to get breathless
  • 耳をすます (みみをすます) - to listen carefully; to strain one’s ears​
  • 逃げきる (にげきる) - to make good one’s escape; to get away; to outrun
  • 入りくむ (いりくむ) - to become complicated
  • ゼーゼー - gasping for breath; puffing and panting; wheezing
  • こびりつく - to stick to; to cling to; to adhere to
  • ぞっと - shuddering; shivering; trembling; being horrified; being disgusted​
  • 古びる (ふるびる) - to look old; to get old
  • たたずまい - appearance; shape; form; atmosphere; look; feel
  • うらめしい - reproachful; hateful; bitter
  • 仮病 (けびょう) - feigned illness
  • ぎょっと - being startled​
  • うってつけ - ideal; perfect; most suitable; just right​

I remember the first time I ever laughed out loud at a dumb joke like that in “real time” (meaning I “got it” without having to pause and try to look something up). It’s such a fun feeling! I’m not much for that kind of wordplay in English but it’s so fun in Japanese xD

It’s so cute :pleading_face: