📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary post :bookmark:

May 24th :seedling:

・薬屋のひとりごと 2 (44% → 48%)

Finished chapter 10. Notes: There was dumping of a huge pile of thrash, encounter with tall girl, and mysterious stable potato. Will Maomao request for bigger private room? Will we get to know tall girl? Will we get to know what Jinshi does during his business trips? One can only continue reading and hopefully find out.

Likewise! You said you put reminder to one month later, so that was unexpected :joy:

Seems like this series might be going in the direction I think it might be going :eyes:

btw, I totally didn’t see red when you said “in a month”… It’s not like I’m aiming to finish this book before this challenge is over or anything like that dakara ne! Hmph! :triumph: :P