📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary post :bookmark:

May 15th :cherry_blossom:

・薬屋のひとりごと 2 (15% → 19%)

Finished chapter 3 and a tiny bit of chapter 4. I feel like these chapters are getting longer and longer.

Thoughts: Maomao is fun and self-contradictary (did I spell that right). On one hand Maomao is kinda unintentionally savage causing Jinshi to take emotional damage, but on the other hand Jinshi lurks behind every corner and overhears things not meant for his ears and misinterprets stuff. So miscommunication is a thing, even Maomao took notice. “Gaoshun, just express what you really want to say, just tell me… Not that I tend to do the exact same thing which results in major misunderstandings or anything like that, lol”. Like, Maomao what do you mean, the series could’ve stopped short at the end of the first book because of lack of clear communication?! :scream: This girl, I swear dksdksjksd. Thank god for plot armor, right :stuck_out_tongue:

New phrase: ()きにしも(あら)ず, “not non-existent”. I can’t tell what’s going on with the kana between the two kanji. Shimo = ?. Since it is an expression maybe it’s some lingering grammar stuff from ye olde times.