📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:blossom: home post :blossom:

April 1

Today I spent more time book hunting than actually reading :caught_durtling:
This is technically mostly unrelated to Japanese but there’s a speculative fiction book bingo challenge going on that I want to take part in for fun/the heck of it (kind of a community event - the idea is that everyone reads a bunch of books that fit specific prompts picked by the bingo master and then you get to talk about all the cool books you found and if you complete a bingo card you win :tada:)
I want to attempt filling a few of the fields with Japanese books (just because; also 2 birds one stone and all) so I searched a bit for things that I would like to read that also fit a category.
What I’ve come up with so far:

死神の精度 by 伊坂 幸太郎
This seems to be a bunch of (loosely connected?) short stories about a Death God visiting some humans that are marked for death to then decide if they should actually die. Synopsis is a bit vague but it has good reviews & according to some I skimmed this is mostly light hearted with a lot of humor and heart. I’m pretty intrigued.

Everyone is apparently reading (and loving) this, and there’s still a book club going on…

ナミヤ雑貨店の奇蹟 by 東野 圭吾
I’ve had this one my list for a while.
Seems to be a really heartfelt and mystical story about :sparkles: humanity :sparkles: and connections between people. Plot seems to be a bunch of delinquents giving other people advice through time travel shenanigans (?). Unfortunately no audiobook though (my poor listening skills)

Decisions image

… then it became too late for me to want to actually start anything new so I gave up for today and just continued my current series NO. 6 for a bit. Might still play some 999 if my brain is awake enough. Haven’t done that in a couple of days and I kinda miss it :eyes:

Oh no, I hope you feel better soon!

I feel mildly attacked by that statement :laughing:

:face_with_monocle: officer, I would like to file a report