📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary Post

Day 34: May 4th
What did I read?: ダイロクセンス Vol 1
How much did I read?: 31 pages
How long did it take me?: 48 min

Omg this chapter was so cute :joy: I think the cat illustration was foreshadowing? lol
Today’s chapter was much less…murdery xD Much more mundane. Rui, Sumire, and her colleague Kido find a little girl crying over the death of her cat - she’s upset because she thinks did something to make it mad and want to leave her :cry: Rui kind of makes it worse at first xD But after being sort-of baited into it by Kido, he uses his power to see what the cat saw before it died. Then he basically “tricks” the girl into thinking he has ESP and can hear her cat from beyond the grave - the whole thing was very sweet, and he’s able to convince her that the cat did love her. In the end, she’s like, I wish I could hear the cat’s voice again, and Rui FREAKING MEOWS SO SHE’LL THINK IT’S THE CAT :joy: So adorable~ He acts like a brat sometimes but he’s not a bad kid

Good words
  • 意味深 (いみしん) - with profound (often hidden) meaning; pregnant with significance; meaningful; suggestive; interesting (isn’t this delightfully logical)
  • 人助け (ひとだすけ) - act of mercy; helping another person
  • 社会科見学 (しゃかいかけんがく) - educational visit (e.g. by a class); educational field trip
  • インチキ - fake; bogus; quack; sham; counterfeit
  • 毛嫌い (けぎらい) - antipathy; prejudice
  • どころか - far from; anything but; not at all​
  • エスパー - ESPer; one who has ESP (extrasensory perception)
  • 超能力 (ちょうのうりょく) - extra-sensory perception; ESP; psi; psychic ability
  • 渾身 (こんしん) - (using) one’s whole body; (putting in) all one’s efforts; (exerting) all one’s energies​