📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

april 30 :cherry_blossom: home post

Finished up another Satori story (三途の川) today!

And since it’s the end of April and we’re halfway through this challenge, I’ve decided to do a little recap and think about my goals for May

April Recap
  • I have not read every day, but I’m still proud of the progress I’ve made b/c on the days I do read, I read a lot (at least, compared to the Winter Challenge)
  • Finished 2/5 Intermediate Satori Reader stories (コナの大冒険 and 三途の川)
  • Finished 1 manga (極主夫道3)
  • at the beginning of the challenge I said I’d be reading the 神々のトライフォース manga but I haven’t read any since before the challenge began… I want to return to it in May (might start from the beginning though)
  • I wanted to be caught up to the 夜カフェ club by today, but unless I read about 40 pages in one day (:fearful:) that’s not happening
May Goals
  • Once the semester is over in the middle of May, I want to start on 999. This has been a goal for me since around this time last year, and based on what I remember from when I tried to read it then I think I’m ready
  • But before that, I also want to finish some of the things I’ve started! I’ll prioritize in this order:
    • 極主夫道4 (btw the club starts reading this today!!)
    • the remaining 3 Intermediate Satori Reader stories (隣人, 恋人, and 奥日光)
    • 神々のトライフォース
    • if I decide not to drop either of these, 夜カフェ and ふらいんぐうぃっち

Obviously I’m not expecting to finish all those things in May, but I’d like to get through a big portion of them. And I might drop both 夜カフェ and ふらいんぐうぃっち b/c they’re not really holding my attention