📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tulip: Day 20 :tulip: :house:
Read: ジャックジャンヌー夏劇ー
Finished: Third story 不抜之志, 27 pages
Time: around 2 hours
Finished the third story, and with that about half of the book. It’s interesting how all of the stories so far have been connected.

Story Thoughts

Yonaga’s story was kind of depressing to read, but still interesting. It took place at the same time as the last one, which explains why Suzu and Kisa couldn’t get a hold of him. Neji (it’s always Neji lol) asked him to help out at a toy store in his stead because he was busy heading for a hike in the mountain (explains why he was there in the last story.) There he ended up working as a rabbit mascot and dancing out front as advertisement.

Can’t decide if the rabbit is cute or kind of creepy lol.
This story was kind of a rough read because it focused a lot on Yonaga’s feelings of worthlessness and how he’s having a really hard time dealing with some feelings of inferiority. It did look up a bit at the end when he realized that all the practice he did with Suzu helped him in his performance as the rabbit and called him back to talk a bit and thank him. I guess this is kind of a one step forward two steps backwards situation considering this isn’t all resolved until things come to a head in the fall play.

Something I'd like a second opinion on (probably spoilers for the game)

So in the game the whereabouts of Kisa’s brother is left pretty vague, she mentions once that he いなくなった, and later she tells someone 連絡はとれないけど継希にぃ(つきher brother)のことだからどこかで元気にやってると思うよ which makes it sound like he’s 行方不明 or just dropped contact with his family for some reason. I was always super curious about what’s going on with that because it’s never resolved in the game.
In this story the person she told that to was thinking about his reaction to her saying that


This makes it sound like he’s probably passed away. Am I right in reading that the lie here is Kisa saying she thinks he’s probably healthy somewhere and she’s actually just putting on a strong front? At first I thought it was that she knew for sure but thinking about it more that would be kind of strange to lie about to someone who also knew him.

New Vocab

異物 (いぶつ)foreign substance; foreign body; foreign contamination; foreign material​
着実 (ちゃくじつ)steady; sound; solid; reliable; trustworthy​
尻餅をつく (しりもちをつく)to fall on one’s backside​ (funny coincidence, I remember this being discussed here a while ago)
百貨店 (ひゃっかてん)department store​
不可思議 (ふかしぎ)mystery; something inexplicable; wonder; miracle​
つぶら round and cute (esp. of eyes)​ ​
直立不動 (ちょくりつふどう)standing at attention; standing stiffly upright​
怪奇 (かいき)bizarre; strange; weird; mysterious​
見出し (みだし)heading; headline; title; caption​
追求 (ついきゅう)pursuit (of a goal, ideal, etc.); search; chase; seeking after​
運ぶ (はこぶ)to go (well, etc.); to proceed; to progress​ (never knew this meaning)
しなを作る to put on coquettish airs; to act flirtatiously; to act kittenish​
至らない (いたらない)imperfect; incompetent; inadequate; careless​
驕る (おごる)to be proud; to be haughty​