📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tulip: Day 19 :tulip: :house:
Finished my exam so today was 読み放題! My brain is fried now but I had fun with it.
Finished: Chapter 3
Time: 12 minutes

New Vocab

刺繡 (ししゅう)embroidery
(けん)counter for (received) emails, text messages, voicemail messages, etc.
ピシャリ slapping; splashing; splatting; banging shut; flat (refusal, denial, etc.)​

Read: マグメル深海水族館 [2]
Finished: Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
Time: 23 minutes, 20 minutes, 16 minutes
Finished volume 2! Some more new characters and more thing in the plot being fleshed out. This volume felt a little harder to read than the first one and there was a little bit of different dialects thrown in.


This tripped me up for a bit when I first saw it. いいよ、敬語は。そんなに歳変わんねぇ I got but this is the first time I’ve seen べ at the end of something. Apparently it’s 北海道弁 and equates to だろう。
The character talking here is a new one introduced in this volume, he’s an apprentice chef at the submarine resturaunt Latimeria. Koutarou has kind of formed a deep sea related friend group with him and one of the fishermen from volume one. This chapter had a bunch of tasty looking food so reading it made me hungry.

The lattes look so cute, I’d love to eat here.
This volume we learn the meaning of the name Mag Mell which I’ve always been kind of curious about, it’s the name of a land of the dead beneath the ocean, looking into it more it’s from Irish mythology. This manga is even mentioned on the English wikipedia page for it.

New Vocab

キンメダイ splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens)​ (apparently you can eat these guys)
養殖 (ようしょく)aquaculture; culture; cultivation; raising
修学旅行 (しゅうがくりょこう)excursion; field trip; school trip
多種多様 (たしゅたよう)a great variety of; diversity​
寄生虫 (きせいちゅう)parasite
直面 (ちょくめん)to face; to confront; to encounter
カグラザメ bluntnose sixgill shark
オンデンザメ Pacific sleeper shark​
中層 (ちゅうそう)middle part; medium depth (water); medium layer; middle lamella
減少 (げんしょう)decrease; reduction; decline
降り積もる (ふりつもる)to fall and pile up (e.g. snow); to lie thick
血中 (けっちゅう)blood borne; within the blood
救出 (きゅうしゅつ)rescue; extricate; reclaim; deliverance
慰霊碑 (いれいひ)cenotaph; memorial monument​

Read: ジャックジャンヌー夏劇ー
Finished: 19 pages, second short story 涙かんざし
Time: 1 hour
Finished the second story, it got kind of sad but I probably should have expected that from a story called 涙かんざし. I really enjoyed this one though, it gave a glimpse into things that weren’t in the game.

Very Long Story Thoughts

So Kisa and Suzu are at the antique store investigating the kanzashi. They show it to the old lady there intending to ask if she knows anything about it, and she says it’s dirt cheap, and she’ll nicely give them 5000 yen for it. Suzu realizes by looking at Kisa’s face that something is suspicious with this, speaks up, and the old lady said it was just a joke. It turns out the kanzashi is made of platinum and from around the end of the Edo period, and is actually worth like 100,000 yen. She mentions the term 涙かんざし when talking about it but refuses to say more for free and sends them to deliver something to the kimono fabric store for her and ask the shopkeeper there for more information. Just when they get there it starts to rain and thunder. The shopkeeper there explains to them that 涙かんざし is the name of an old classic play from the Edo period that was put on in the town’s theater. The story is about a girl born the fourth daughter into a samurai family that only had girls and really wanted a boy. This in combination with her mother passing away giving birth to her disappointed her father to the extent he closed her up in a room in the residence so he wouldn’t have to see her. After some time passed a new servant came to the house and began to interact with her. He gave her a kanzashi and she eventually fell in love with him. But she caught the eye of an acquaintance of her father, and he agreed to let him marry her, and kicked the servant out of the house. The night before the wedding the daughter ran away to go find the man. When she arrived at his house all that was there was a note that said「私は死にました。さようなら。」By the time she noticed, she was in the middle of the forest at the shrine. There she prayed that in their next life they could be together, left the kanzashi, and then threw herself off of a cliff. It then cuts to her residence where the man is desperately calling out for her but can’t find her. He wrote that note intending to throw everything away and elope with her. (kind of reminds me of Romeo and Juliet.) And then the play ends. This play was super popular especially among young girls at that time in similar situations, and they would go to the local shrine and hide kanzashi with the hope that “In my next life I can be together with that person.” and the kanzashi they found is most likely one of those. (not sure if this implies things ended similarly for those girls). After learning this they decided to put it back where they found it, although Suzu wasn’t completely sure about this because he felt it would be sad to leave it there. When they returned the old tree had been struck down by lightning in the earlier storm. When he saw Kisa looking sadly at the old tree, he felt like there was something more behind her feelings, 「死を前に、なにかを恐れ、怯えるようなー」 This made him kind of panic so he called out to her and suggest that she take care of the kanzashi. He started acting extra cheerful and pushed for them to head back to the school. Kisa thanked him for being there for her and going with her to investigate. This makes him happy he could help, but brings him back to thinking about how him trying to help Yonaga ended up hurting him. He decides though that he won’t give up on trying to think of ways to be there for him because he’s an important friend, and the story ends. This probably will tie into Yonaga’s story which is the next one.

It’s really interesting seeing Kisa from others perspectives in these short stories, it seems like to other people she gives of a much more 儚い感じ, to the extent that Suzu was kind of worried seeing her lost in thought at the fallen tree. It seems like what really stuck with her there was how she related to the idea of「叶わなかった少女の願い」and how that maybe sent her into thinking more about her situation. Suzu is always treated as not very smart but he’s really good at inferring things about other people, like in this story when Kisa explained why she was suspicious about the antique store ladies initial offer, he kind of figured out the reason she might be so knowledgeable about that kind of thing is because her family is troubled for money.

New Vocab

奉公人 (ほうこうにん)servant; employee
仄暗い (ほのぐらい)gloomy; obscure
すかさず without a moment’s delay​
掘り下げる (ほりさげる)to dig into (a matter); to delve into; to probe into; to investigate; to get to the bottom of
無粋 (ぶすい)boorish; inelegant; unpolished; unromantic; tactless
眼福 (がんぷく)a sight for sore eyes; seeing something beautiful or precious
二足三文 (にそくさんもん)dirt cheap; very cheap
値打ち (ねうち)value; worth; merit
目配せ (めくばせ)signalling with the eyes; exchanging looks; winking
白金 (はっきん)platinum (Pt)​
横文字 (よこもじ)European language; Western language
名称 (めいしょう)name; title
末期 (まっき)closing years (period, days); last stage; end stage; end-of-life (care, decision making, etc.)
合点がいく (がってんがいく)to understand; to make out
居住空間 (きょじゅうくうかん)living space
呉服屋 (ごふくや)kimono fabrics shop; draper
やることなすこと everything one does; whatever one does

Happy (a little late I think) Birthday! Hope it went great! :birthday: :partying_face:

Oh wow that looks like it has such a great atmosphere and the art is gorgeous. Definitely gonna pick this up someday.

This looks amazing, the sharks, the shiny cover, it’s beautiful :astonished:
This thread is bad for my wallet :joy: