📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Day 17 :dress: 女子会-edition
Ayy @Memoria :birthday: Happy Cake Day! :sparkling_heart: And I think there are enough people here for a nice birthday paradox.

Today I finally got round to setting up the OCR, and oh boy it’s a godsend, reading is so much smoother now, I hope it won’t spoil me too much. Also, it should substantially increase my throughput, we’ll see about that.

While reading fukaboku I stumbled upon kanji that made my brain do a hard reboot 伺う similar to a lot of things yet so different. Also a really hilarious panel out of context:

A bit of vocab

もやがかかった to be misty
つまらないものですが phrase for giving out small presents

:pleading_face::point_right: :point_left: