📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Update post for 20/1 - 21/1 | Home post here!

I ended up reading 100 pages of レンタルおにいちゃん Vol.4 yesterday, because I just needed to finish it. I’m very happy with the ending we got, especially the way the last handful of pages closed out. I’m glad I finished reading this series at a point where I could mostly follow along without looking up too much and figure out a lot through context, as I don’t feel like I missed out on a lot of the character development that was pivotal to how the last couple of chapters played out.

This left me in a bit of a conundrum today as to what I was going to read, as honestly I didn’t expect to finish Vol.2 by the end of February! :sweat_smile: I will return to よつばと! soon, but I wanted to switch up to reading some stuff not on a screen, so I scanned my bookshelves and picked out these.

Got 19 pages through カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編 Vol.1, and I’m so glad there was a double page spread TL;DR recap of the original series at the start, because although I re-read it all in English last year with the intention of starting クリアカード編 this year, it was a good way adjust into that ‘new manga’ phase before starting the main story proper.

れつ!ハイキュー?! Vol.1 is something I’ll be reading slowly, maybe one page a day or so, as it’s a short 4-panel comic re-telling of the main ハイキュー!! series but in joke/gag format, so follows canon but diverges for the joke. I think I’m going to re-start ハイキュー!! to read alongside this, because from reading the first page of れつ! it lifts a lot of the dialogue straight from the original manga; nice confirmation that I remember the vocab I had to study before as I didn’t struggle to understand the first page much at all.

I’ve also played more Animal Crossing over the last couple of days, and I suppose it doesn’t really count but I played a bit of Mario Kart in Japanese yesterday whilst waiting for some food to cook.

Some words from the last couple of days!

勘違い - かんちが - misunderstanding; mistaken idea; wrong guess
心境 - しんきょう - state of mind; mental state; mental attitude
就活 - しゅうかつ - job hunting (abbreviation of 就職活動)
がき - brat; kid; urchin; little devil