📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Update post for the last 2 days | Home post here!

I spent yesterday and today closing out Vol.3 of レンタルおにいちゃん and reading the first chapter of Vol.4. Not long to go until the end now!

The first chapter of Vol.4 was quite a difficult section for me with some of the sentence structures and a fair few new words scattered across (always seems to be that way whenever Kanami’s biological brother is talking, does anyone else have that issue? :sweat_smile:). I read half of the chapter last night and then re-read it this afternoon and finished it off.

Had a wonderful conversation with Kabuki on my island today that I understood approximately 5% of which was the hardest thing I’ve come across to date. I’m determined with Animal Crossing to not look anything up though (unless it’s tutorials or key information), because it’s been a great way to track general progress of understanding since March 2020 and I intend to keep using it for that purpose.