📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post :bookmark:

January 4
・かがみの孤城. I read the third week (it was shorter than the previous weeks), and a tiny bit of week four. I might have added too many new words to my srs today :caught_durtling:

Progress: (15% → 21%)

So, from looking at the last few days that I’ve been reading this book, I can say it’s not that hard in terms of vocab or grammar or too crazy sentences or anything like that. What seems to slow me down is… losing focus and going off to do something else (:sweat_smile:). Hopefully, I can improve that somehow.

Yay! More people reading the kagami book :eyes: :sparkles:

I highly recommend using koohi to learn the words in the book, either by srsing them before you read or as you come across them. I do a mix of the two. The vocab list for the book can be found here.

If you’re not familiar with koohi, I would also recommend limiting the frequency to whatever suits you at your current level. In other words, if learning all the words is too much work, try learning the words that appear with high frequency first, for example at least 10 times in the book, and then 9 times, and so forth.

Just ask if you have any questions :durtle_the_explorer: