📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

March 30 :snowflake: Home Post

I “finished” my third route today! It was another one where it’s like “to be continued” so we shall see how that goes but either way progress is being made! Things were wild to say the least :joy:

Oh man VLR

This playthrough got rough toward the end, oof :sweat_smile: some things happened and uh well:

Hearing this child screaming at the top of his lungs to kill him, to let him die… ouchies man. This whole virus thing is no joke huh

On a lighter note, シグマ was kind enough to read out some brilliant prose :joy:

But the ending though, ファイ!! Bro!! I said I learned after K betrayed me but clearly I didn’t, she played me so hard :joy: It’s really true, she never promised huh. But like what did I do to her? Clearly she remembers something that current シグマ does not but like oof. It’s probably related to these “premonitions” he’s been having, they’re probably more like memories but I’m not entirely sure how to reconcile that. We shall see :eyes:

I did also get bored in between classes, and I guess I had mysteries and also @pocketcat’s ()し on the brain so I went on aozora bunko started messing with 怪人(かいじん)二十面相(にじゅうめんそう) :joy: I am truly a chaotic mess huh. But I figured out how to use yomichan with it so it’s actually really nice, I’m very intrigued by the bit I’ve read! Love a good mystery :eyes: