📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

March 21 :snowflake: Home Post

Well, I’ve officially done it - I just finished up the last ending of 999 and wow, that’s a wild thought :joy: This is really the first long-form content I’ve actually finished so I’m kinda stunned honestly, what a journey it’s been! I’m sitting at 102.2 hours which is a non-negligible amount of time for sure, but like not as long as I might’ve thought it’d take me beforehand? I have no idea how long it would’ve taken me in English, but judging from like Danganronpa I’d guess 102 hours is about 2 or 3 times as long? Which is… really pretty good, all things considered. I’ll take it :joy: It’ll be interesting to see how the second game compares time-wise, how prepared am I :eyes:

I can definitely tell I’ve grown a lot over the course of the game! My reading speed has absolutely improved; toward the end I started having moments where I read lines faster than the voice acting could happen, which is also wild?? Growth :muscle:

Oh man 999

The only ending I had left was the submarine ending, and it might be both the most depressing and baffling one of them all! Truly I feel like I understand less than I did before, like who killed them?? Hello?? Alice? :eyes: Like yeah I still don’t really know who stabbed me in the first ending, but at least people were still… alive? This is really perplexing, and that really tracks Zero Escape, good work

Oh and an interesting thing from the main ending for people who know it, I’m curious: how does the door in the incinerator work in English? Bc in Japanese the whole payoff is like “the door you can escape through has キュウ on it” which of course is assumed to be 9 the whole time, but it’s actually the letter q. So like… how did they make that work in English? Very curious :eyes:

It’s really crazy to think I’m actually done, I’m gonna miss them :') I’m so tempted to just immediately start the second game, I have no restraint lmao. Ahhh maybe a little, just to see? Just a little peek :joy: Anyway thank you all for the encouragement you’ve given me, I’m glad I could share this ride with you! And knowing me it’s far from over, I’ll be neck-deep in the sequel before I know it :blush: